Originally Posted by steve austin
thanks. I don't use the gps feature a lot because i hate having to go throght the steps to cut it on and off. I thought this might cut it on and off while providing a lock.
To clarify some misunderstandings here throughout this thread...
You only have to go to Phone > Services > GPS > Select Location On > Soft Reset ONCE. This allows installed applications to use the GPS radio; otherwise, it can only be used by 911 services. It does not actually turn the GPS radio on. After that, the phone is forever free to use the GPS every time an application activates it. Other applications, such as Google Maps, GPS Toggle (not usable on Titanium), and CGPS (Titanium panel) turn on the GPS and search for a lock.
CGPS DOES activate the GPS chip and starts searching for satellites. Once it obtains a lock, it shuts off and then restarts every five minutes in order to maintain what I think is known as "warm lock." This is a compromise between a rapid battery drain due to constant GPS use and having to start from a cold lock when beginning Google Maps or some other GPS-enabled mapping application. This way, when you start Google Maps, or Bing, or GPS Weather Radar Pro, it gets a much faster lock than you would otherwise.