Originally Posted by phullofphil
I bet there is to a way< Not that it wouild be worth finding how. If you make the cab have its own built in installer and give it the temp driver controll than i think it could be possable. It is a computer after all. I have had firm ware upgrades that completly redid a mp3 player and i dragged and dropped it to the device. Plus you ever think that it could be more of a upgrade than an overwrite. Why would you tell any body you cant do it and its impossible with out proof. Maybe you just dont know how. Plus i like to argue its fun sometimes.
Oh, I fully admit I don't know how...in fact, I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to this stuff. However, that's why I included
AFAIK in order to indicate my lack of certain knowledge. Don't worry though...I too find it fun to argue at times.