Re: Official ROM IS HERE!!!
It's like, a bunch of guys sitting around on the bumpers of their cars waiting for a falling star. Just shoot'n the $#!^, casual conversation and waiting, waiting, waiting. Wow, you guys are all young. I figure I'm prob the oldest here at 53. and am geeked by all the fun. In fact I don't even go to any of the other threads anymore (Oh wait, I thought I was on Ady's ROM thread) I correct that, this is the FIRST time I spent reading a thread other than Ady's ROM Thread. So how about those Tigers this year? ? ? ? (sits back down on bumper and peers upward) Last edited by iclickjohn; 07-15-2009 at 11:47 PM. |
Re: Official ROM IS HERE!!!
I keep wondering why the heck I keep checking this thread...they wouldn't post the link in the middle of the night would they? That's just cruel.
Re: Official ROM IS HERE!!!
Actually, middle of the night here = morning in Korea/Singapore/Taiwan wherever these things are made... you know where Sammy's servers are located.
Re: Official ROM IS HERE!!!
Re: Official ROM IS HERE!!!
Last edited by socrplar13; 07-16-2009 at 12:07 AM. |