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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2009, 05:20 PM
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Help!!! Ringtones sucking up Device Memory!

I have a 8gb storage card with a bunch of ringtones on it. I have the latest version of spb(carousel view enabled) installed in my omnia. When I go to the contacts carousel to set a ringtone to a given contact I notice that it is copying the mp3 from my storage card over to My Ringtones in the system device. My question is how do you force spb to read the ringtones from the storage card only when an incoming call from one of your contacts is taking place? I really need a fix for this b/c the sheer number of ringtones I have is suckin up my device memory.
Iphone Who???????????????

Last edited by MrOmnia81; 06-12-2009 at 05:40 PM.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2009, 09:45 PM
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Re: Help!!! Ringtones sucking up Device Memory!

Originally Posted by MrOmnia81 View Post
I have a 8gb storage card with a bunch of ringtones on it. I have the latest version of spb(carousel view enabled) installed in my omnia. When I go to the contacts carousel to set a ringtone to a given contact I notice that it is copying the mp3 from my storage card over to My Ringtones in the system device. My question is how do you force spb to read the ringtones from the storage card only when an incoming call from one of your contacts is taking place? I really need a fix for this b/c the sheer number of ringtones I have is suckin up my device memory.
MrOmnia huh...? it sounds like I should be asking u for help...lol...try putting ur ringtones in the folder u want them to be in...and then assign them to ur contacts thru the default contact manager...dont use the carousel view to assign the ringtones... instead open the contact click edit contact and assign the ringtone that way...also if ur not using one get urself an MP3 trimmer...

hope this helps
When ur Sidekick/Iphone can do this...Holla at me
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2009, 12:13 PM
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Re: Help!!! Ringtones sucking up Device Memory!

Originally Posted by pdub73 View Post
MrOmnia huh...? it sounds like I should be asking u for help...lol...try putting ur ringtones in the folder u want them to be in...and then assign them to ur contacts thru the default contact manager...dont use the carousel view to assign the ringtones... instead open the contact click edit contact and assign the ringtone that way...also if ur not using one get urself an MP3 trimmer...

hope this helps

Thanks... Don't Let the name fool you. I need all the help I can get! I make my own ringtones... I have Goldwave and SoundForge to cut and loop them.
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Old 06-15-2009, 12:49 PM
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Re: Help!!! Ringtones sucking up Device Memory!

Making ringtones is a great skill to have, just make sure you keep them short and sweet. I make the cardinal error of saving entire songs one time...talk about eating memory LOL!!!

Trim them all down, and just save them to your Windows folder on your Omnia. Then as pdub73 said, use the stock contact manager to assign the ringtones. I have about 25-30 ringtones and the space they take is minimal. (If you flash to one of the ROMs in the upgrade section you will have even more room to play around with as well!!!)

  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2009, 01:05 PM
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Re: Help!!! Ringtones sucking up Device Memory!

Originally Posted by syrguy1969 View Post
Making ringtones is a great skill to have, just make sure you keep them short and sweet. I make the cardinal error of saving entire songs one time...talk about eating memory LOL!!!

Trim them all down, and just save them to your Windows folder on your Omnia. Then as pdub73 said, use the stock contact manager to assign the ringtones. I have about 25-30 ringtones and the space they take is minimal. (If you flash to one of the ROMs in the upgrade section you will have even more room to play around with as well!!!)

Yeah when cut a ringtone should only take no more than 458k. I've made about 60 ringtones so far. I don't even have 60 contacts lol. Man I have been really thinking about flashing but I'm still a little afriad of bricking my phone and VZ saying that I have to buy another one. That would seriously suck! What is the best and most stable ROM available?
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Old 06-15-2009, 01:24 PM
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Re: Help!!! Ringtones sucking up Device Memory!

They are all pretty good from what I have heard, the only one I have tried with any luch is Adrynalyne's ROMs. I have used both his 6.1 and 6.5 ROMs. I have gone over a week without a reset on the 6.1 and days without one on the 6.5, and they are getting better. He is working on an extreme one now that apparently has even more memory and better speeds...we'll see how that works out. You can flash a full ROM (not even the base version) and have about 130MB available on your Omnia.

P.S. If you brick, just tell them it won't turn on and exchange it, chances are they won't even look!
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Old 06-15-2009, 01:37 PM
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Re: Help!!! Ringtones sucking up Device Memory!

I was having the same problem w/ ringtones previously before I flashed to one of Adrynalynes ROM's, never a problem since. And I'm using MS3 also. I'm currently on Adryn's M2d 1.4 ROM and the speed and memory is incredible. Haven't had problems with it either and I've got tons of programs running on it, plus your battery life is improved, give it a shot, you'll be amazed...
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Old 06-15-2009, 01:46 PM
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Re: Help!!! Ringtones sucking up Device Memory!

The 1.3 was what I was using before I switched to 6.5. That was the ROM I got over a week without having to do a reset on my device!!! From what I have heard the 1.4 is even better!!
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Old 06-15-2009, 02:02 PM
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Re: Help!!! Ringtones sucking up Device Memory!

The memory and speed are insane, I've got a ton of ringtones and other apps and there is still a ton of memory available, and it's stable beyond belief. I'm still very clueless about a lot of things and even I'm not having problems with it. I'd highly recommend it to MrOmnia. If you've got the ability to play around and make ringtones, you'll be fine flashing, as long as you pay attention to the instructions. Only the first time is nerve racking... then the addiction hits!!!
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Old 06-15-2009, 02:45 PM
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Re: Help!!! Ringtones sucking up Device Memory!

fishingmedic is right, the first time can be a bit tense, but if you follow the instructions carefully and wait until it is done, it pretty much takes care of things all by itself, and every flash after that is a LOT faster and easier. It gets to the point I feel like I am syncing with my PC and not flashing the entire PPC it is so easy + fast!!

(the real time comes after with reinstalling all the apps + files)
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