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Old 01-05-2009, 11:20 PM
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New Omnia User Questions for Optimization


First of all, thanks to everyone on this forum who have helped me so much in getting familiar with my Omnia i910. I am excited about this phone and what it is capable of...However, I do have some questions (which I am sure will be followed by more questions)

1. I am thinking about getting Spb Mobile Shell. I went through all 10 pages of the post below mine about it, and gained a lot of great information. I have a few questions.
--- Is the SpbWatcher included with the Spb Mobile Shell purchase?
--- If I got Spb Mobile Shell, are there any other recommended NEEDED programs to make it work effectively?

2. I have S2U2 installed currently. I don't think I have the updated version, however.
--- First, I want to delete it AND everything on the phone I don't need so I can start bare bones.
---> What is the best way to go about doing this and what programs can I remove>

3. When installing the new S2u2 and OTHER programs, what is the optimal way of doing it?
--- I posted a similar post earlier, but want to be clear. I am confused about the difference between "My Storage," "Main Memory/Device," and "My Storage Card"

4. When I plug the phone in for ActiveSync and explore the device, I see the attached screenshot (device1)...What is CellBrite, and can I delete it? Also, can I move the S2U2 .cab file somewhere after I install it, and where should it BE placed? Also, what is the "verizon...." file at the bottom?
--- It seems that the items below the "My Windows Mobile-Based Device" are just a copy of what is in "My Documents" after you click "My Windows Mobile-Based Device"...Is that correct?
---What is the DCIM and DOIM?

5. With regards to OPTIMIZATION, i already asked about installing programs. I am also wondering about how you modify what is RUNNING and what starts up. I don't think I am running my Omnia optimally and I want to ensure I am not missing something. For example, when I click the "X" on programs, I noticed they are still running under Task Manager...What is up with that?

6. Registry - I am trying to install a registry editor...I downloaded PHM and installed on my computer, but when I run the Setup.exe all it does is open my current "Add/Remove" box under ActiveSync but it doesn't get added.

Again, sorry for the loaded post, but as I have stated before, these message boards are the best way I have found to get real answers from people that know what they are talking about. Thanks a lot!

Attached Images
File Type: jpg device1.JPG (30.3 KB, 48 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by pppebble88; 01-06-2009 at 01:23 AM.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2009, 03:05 AM
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Re: New Omnia User Questions for Optimization

To follow up, I have read a lot of Knguyentu's information on his site (which is awesome) and I am trying to install the .NET Compact 3.5 framework. I downloaded the .MSI file on my computer, but don't know where to go from there. I tried transferring it to My Storage\Personal and running it from there, but it wouldn't open. Thanks!
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Old 01-06-2009, 03:11 AM
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Re: New Omnia User Questions for Optimization

Originally Posted by pppebble88 View Post
To follow up, I have read a lot of Knguyentu's information on his site (which is awesome) and I am trying to install the .NET Compact 3.5 framework. I downloaded the .MSI file on my computer, but don't know where to go from there. I tried transferring it to My Storage\Personal and running it from there, but it wouldn't open. Thanks!
For the MSI file, you have to run it from a PC desktop/laptop. It will transfer the cab to activesync and to your Omnia.

There is also a cab version on XDA and floating around there you can put on your My Storage / Personal and run from there.
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Old 01-06-2009, 04:55 AM
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Re: New Omnia User Questions for Optimization

SPBWatcher is not included but i have attached it below
also take a look at the skin package here http://www.imarche.net/omnia/index.php for a great theme switcher.

If you just want to uninstall S2U2 then go to add/remove programs and do it from there. You may need to manually delete some files afterwards though.
If you want to delete everything then best route is to do a hard reset and put phone back to factory default. Go to settings / system and you will find the hard-reset option.

Main memory is the phone's sotrage area and is very small
Storage memory is usually the 8/16gb area.
I would advise installing as much as possible (if given the option to) onto the storage area to avoid difficulties later. SPB and S2U2 can be installed onto Storage area.
Attached Files
File Type: zip spbwatcher.zip (4.1 KB, 28 views) Click for barcode!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2009, 07:18 AM
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Re: New Omnia User Questions for Optimization

Originally Posted by pppebble88 View Post
1. I am thinking about getting Spb Mobile Shell. I went through all 10 pages of the post below mine about it, and gained a lot of great information. I have a few questions.
--- Is the SpbWatcher included with the Spb Mobile Shell purchase?
--- If I got Spb Mobile Shell, are there any other recommended NEEDED programs to make it work effectively?
Watcher is not included, but it is free.
You MUST get the skins, found here: http://www.imarche.net/omnia/index.php

3. When installing the new S2u2 and OTHER programs, what is the optimal way of doing it?
--- I posted a similar post earlier, but want to be clear. I am confused about the difference between "My Storage," "Main Memory/Device," and "My Storage Card"
Ok, Main Memory is the 'Main' storage of the phone, usually a small amount and you want to keep it fairly clean and free of 'crap'.

My Storage is basicly a memory card that is hardwired into your Omnia. It is a pretty cool feature. Since it is hardwired I trust installing programs onto it.

Storage Card" is a removable storage card that goes just below your battery. I don't trust installing programs to the storage card because I've had problems with that and it doesn't make sense on the Omnia since it has "My Storage".

Hope that is cleared up now.

---What is the DCIM and DOIM?
I think that is the files that the camera stores pictures, similar to an actual camera. I have no idea what they stand for.

5. With regards to OPTIMIZATION, i already asked about installing programs. I am also wondering about how you modify what is RUNNING and what starts up. I don't think I am running my Omnia optimally and I want to ensure I am not missing something. For example, when I click the "X" on programs, I noticed they are still running under Task Manager...What is up with that?
Windows Mobile doesn't 'close' programs when you click on the "X" like on your home computer. It just 'hides' the program. The idea behind this is that it can run in the background (consuming a minor amount of RAM) and then it can be quickly brought to the front when you need it without having to load the program again from scratch. That is the idea anyway. The reality of it something else entirely.

To close the programs you can install a program that will make the "x" actually close the program. There are many to choose from. Just search. Personally I don't do that. I use FDC Task Manager (found here: http://www.dotfred.net/TaskMgr.htm). I like it better because I can choose what program to shut down) I also like the fact that I can soft reset from there (the stupid reset button is really hard to push unless you have a paperclip handy). Another thing is that most programs now have an 'exit' or 'close' command that actually exits. Opera does and it is the big memory hog.

6. Registry - I am trying to install a registry editor...I downloaded PHM and installed on my computer, but when I run the Setup.exe all it does is open my current "Add/Remove" box under ActiveSync but it doesn't get added.
This is actually also solved with the FDC Task Manager since it has a really nice reg editor built into it.

Also, .cab files install things from your device (I store them on the memory card). .exe files usually have to be run from your computer while connected via active sync. .cab files are better and you can find a .cab file for about 90% of the programs out there. Most deveolpers release a .exe version and a .cab version.

I hope this helps. I didn't answer all your questions, but I hope I cleared some of them up.
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Old 01-06-2009, 10:22 AM
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Re: New Omnia User Questions for Optimization

I agree http://www.imarche.net/omnia/index.php is a MUST for Shell, and now there is even a custome background generator (I haven't gotten it to work yet, but when it does, it will be fantastic)!!!

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Old 01-06-2009, 12:34 PM
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Re: New Omnia User Questions for Optimization

Thanks so much for all of the help...A few things

1. I installed the Compact 3.5 using the MSI...is that OK?
2. I installed the reg editor with no problem (and have done a lot of cool registry tweaks)
3. With regards to optimization, for STARTUP, what should I remove and how do i do it?
4. Does anyone know what the Cellebrite.exe and verizon-i910- are that are in the screenshot? Can I delete them?

Thanks again!
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Old 01-06-2009, 01:45 PM
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Re: New Omnia User Questions for Optimization

Originally Posted by pppebble88 View Post
Thanks so much for all of the help...A few things

1. I installed the Compact 3.5 using the MSI...is that OK?
That should be OK, but I will attach a CAB just in case!!

Originally Posted by pppebble88 View Post
2. I installed the reg editor with no problem (and have done a lot of cool registry tweaks)
Great!! Now the fun begins, but please play safe and always have a backup handy for those 'mistakes'!!!

Originally Posted by pppebble88 View Post
3. With regards to optimization, for STARTUP, what should I remove and how do i do it?
If you mean the boot-up screen, here is a good guide:

Originally Posted by pppebble88 View Post
4. Does anyone know what the Cellebrite.exe and verizon-i910- are that are in the screenshot? Can I delete them?
I really don't know. If they are in your ROM, you can't delete them, and I think the Verizon one sounds like the apps they placed in the ROM. (just a hunch on this one though)
Attached Files
File Type: cab NETCFv35[1].wm.armv4i.cab (2.58 MB, 183 views) Click for barcode!
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Old 01-07-2009, 01:02 AM
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Re: New Omnia User Questions for Optimization

Thanks...with regards to the optimization, I was talking about what programs I can remove from startup, etc...Thanks for all of the help and I am off to install Spb Mobile Shell....Oh boy
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2009, 01:28 AM
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Re: New Omnia User Questions for Optimization

Originally Posted by Phantom27 View Post
Watcher is not included, but it is free.
You MUST get the skins, found here: http://www.imarche.net/omnia/index.php
I downloaded Spb Mobile Shell and used their installer program to install it...

I was wondering about the skins you mentioned above...Which should I download...I see "Kyro" and "Luna"...Do you download either/or and you get all of the skins listed in their respective pages?

I just don't know how to install them, where to place them, etc...

Also, can the Watcher be installed in My Store?

Thanks a lot!
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