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  #251 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2009, 07:11 AM
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Re: Omnia Hacks / Tips / Tricks

Originally Posted by nursecosmo View Post
Not at all. I have mine set for a once daily sync. It takes about 30 seconds. I've had no noticible drop in batery life.
Then we will agree to disagree. It doesn't take much googling to find a general consensus that push anything eats battery on any phone.

I've gone from two days battery life to one since using it, yet I get it back if I remove it. What else would you attribute to this drain?
  #252 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2009, 07:14 AM
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Re: Omnia Hacks / Tips / Tricks

Originally Posted by lambi1982 View Post
Adrynalyne I just installed your theme and MAN, THAT KICKS @$$
runs smoother and faster than stock there during page transitions,
and the ICON RULE.... this is a must have.
I wish it was mine. I don't have the tools to sign the dll properly after modifying

I found these.
  #253 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2009, 10:02 AM
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Re: Omnia Hacks / Tips / Tricks

Silver Keyboard.

I didn't make it, merely packaged it for easy installation. Install to Device memory.
Attached Files
File Type: cab HDBlog Silver Keyboard.cab (4.22 MB, 67 views) Click for barcode!
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  #254 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2009, 10:36 AM
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Re: Omnia Hacks / Tips / Tricks

Now, this one is mine.

To choose this clock, tap and hold for options on clock, then choose digital clock 2. I'll be modifying this more later.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg fire-lines-fractals.jpg (45.0 KB, 85 views) Click for barcode!
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File Type: cab Adryn Modified Black ST2 Theme.cab (3.03 MB, 115 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by Adrynalyne; 02-23-2009 at 05:07 PM.
  #255 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2009, 10:44 AM
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Re: Omnia Hacks / Tips / Tricks

Originally Posted by Adrynalyne View Post
Then we will agree to disagree. It doesn't take much googling to find a general consensus that push anything eats battery on any phone.

I've gone from two days battery life to one since using it, yet I get it back if I remove it. What else would you attribute to this drain?
Perhaps we are talking about two different things. I have it setup through active sync for a once a day sync instead of the push feature. The initial setting would make it sync every time a change was made to anything until I made it sync only once daily. There is also a setting to sync it manually with the push of a button. I might be wrong but a 30 second sync should not use up a day of battery life.
  #256 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2009, 11:13 AM
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Re: Omnia Hacks / Tips / Tricks

Then perhaps you should mention to those you recommend it to, to change its default settings?

By default, it is push, and always connected.
  #257 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2009, 01:01 PM
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Re: Omnia Hacks / Tips / Tricks

Originally Posted by Adrynalyne View Post
It kills battery life though. Just an FYI.
Not a problem. Just make sure you set it to sync only once a day (or whatever you want, but the fewer syncs the less battery it gobbles).

FYI: Birdie Sync and Finch Sync only work with Thunderbird (mozilla mail program).

For e-mail, I have Gmail set up as IMAP on my Omnia for e-mail.

I then use NuevaSync.com (free) to sync my Google Calendars with my Omnia. Google just released their own wireless sync last week, but it will only allow you to sync 5 calendars; NuevaSync allows you to sync 8 (which is why I use it instead). You can also sync e-mail and contacts with NuevaSync, but I prefer to get my Gmail via IMAP... and I hate that Google is so limited with their contact fields (just "name," no first and last, too few phone number fields, etc...) so I use Microsoft Live for organizing my contacts on my computer (not to mention it's accessible from any computer).

You have to set NuevaSync up as an Exchange Server (instructions on their website), so this eliminates using another exchange server for other things (another e-mail account, contacts, etc...).

However, you can use Windows Live (it works like a second exchange server) to sync with your Live (Hotmail) account WITHOUT using Outlook. It took me about a week to figure this out, but I've got the process outlined here:


It's extremely frustrating that Microsoft doesn't let you sync contacts from your computer to your mobile without Outlook (which you have to buy). It's also frustrating that Windows Mail (which is the default Vista mail app) is now obsolete (Windows Live Mail is the new standard). All this is discussed in the "how to" link shown above.

Hope all this information helps!

Last edited by Voltron8Myhat; 02-23-2009 at 01:05 PM.
  #258 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2009, 01:11 PM
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Re: Omnia Hacks / Tips / Tricks

Originally Posted by Adrynalyne View Post
Now, this one is mine.

To choose this clock, tap and hold for options on clock, then choose digital clock 2. I'll be modifying this more later.
Woo-hoo!!! Someone's gotten at that fugly Today 2 clock! How'd you do it, Adrynalyne? Any way to shrink the space around the clock (so the clock takes up less space) and you've got more room for tasks and calendar stuff at the bottom of the screen?

Lemme know if you'd like some help with different clock designs (not that you need it, I'm just here to lend a hand on the design side if you're interested).
  #259 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2009, 01:12 PM
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Re: Omnia Hacks / Tips / Tricks

Originally Posted by nursecosmo View Post
Perhaps we are talking about two different things. I have it setup through active sync for a once a day sync instead of the push feature. The initial setting would make it sync every time a change was made to anything until I made it sync only once daily. There is also a setting to sync it manually with the push of a button. I might be wrong but a 30 second sync should not use up a day of battery life.
You're not wrong. You can set how often you want your phone to sync. The fewer syncs, the less battery consumed. Simple as that.
  #260 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2009, 01:20 PM
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Re: Omnia Hacks / Tips / Tricks

I figured out how to re-sign the dll

I then took clock icons not unlike the diamond flip, and replaced them with PE Explorer, resigned the file, and there ya go.

I can't shrink the space, but I can make the clock bigger, maybe. I just don't have time at this moment. It will be a day or two before I can try.

If someone has a source of image files for the diamond flip clock (numbers), that would be instrumental in doing it, and would be greatly appreciated.
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