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  #91 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2009, 08:03 PM
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Re: Thinking of installing SPB Mobile Shell

[QUOTE=Cmass;615900]I asked Spb for a refund today. I bought the full communications suite for $50 and found it to be a bloated mess....and most of it is of little or no use to me. Like many apps, the idea of having them in reality does not match how I actually use the device on a daily basis.

I may try the HTC - although from what I've been reading on the HTC site, many people are having a horrible time with it and over and over I read "Do NOT use with 6.1 - it is not compatible" ...

To wipe it all clean I have done a full hard reset so I'm in for another day of screwing around with it and trying to find the right apps..............[/QUOTE

Just a suggestion, most if not all programs have some sort of trial period, and some of them even let u have the full capabilities during the trial, I know everyone here was telling you how great Spb is...(and it is) but just like a car test drive it first...

there is no perfect phone, and no program will make any phone perfect...as good as Spb Mobile shell and pocket plus are...not everyone uses them the same thus not everyone will like it...I tried the HTC home, on my Titan, and it was ok...I like the way the rain drops splash on the screen in the weather app. but I found Spb to have more useful interfaces and functionality...and truthfully it took me a couple of months to get the Spb products to suit my needs...so after paying for them I had to make sure the programs performed to my liking, so thru trial and error I found the set up that makes my phone as good as it can be...
When ur Sidekick/Iphone can do this...Holla at me
  #92 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2009, 10:55 PM
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Re: Thinking of installing SPB Mobile Shell

Just a suggestion, most if not all programs have some sort of trial period, and some of them even let u have the full capabilities during the trial, I know everyone here was telling you how great Spb is...(and it is) but just like a car test drive it first...

there is no perfect phone, and no program will make any phone perfect...as good as Spb Mobile shell and pocket plus are...not everyone uses them the same thus not everyone will like it...I tried the HTC home, on my Titan, and it was ok...I like the way the rain drops splash on the screen in the weather app. but I found Spb to have more useful interfaces and functionality...and truthfully it took me a couple of months to get the Spb products to suit my needs...so after paying for them I had to make sure the programs performed to my liking, so thru trial and error I found the set up that makes my phone as good as it can be..
This is one of the only times I have ever paid for something without giving it a complete test drive first. I was going completely on what I've read and it was impressive.
I may sound picky but I'm actually not and I'm fully aware no phone is perfect. I think what I will do is list specifically what I expect this phone to do for me and then post it and see if people can fill in the blanks with apps.

Still, unless I can get the pink-hued photo issue sorted out, I may return the phone and go back to my LG Dare. I'd hate to do that since the Dare is limited, lousy on the Internet, limited customization and will only download the text of an Email....but in the 2 months I used it, it I found it to be fast, it never required a soft or hard reset, the battery lasted 4X as long and the 3MP camera takes higher quality photos than the 5MP Omnia due to a superior lens.

- Chris
  #93 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2009, 11:25 PM
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Re: Thinking of installing SPB Mobile Shell

Still, unless I can get the pink-hued photo issue sorted out, I may return the phone and go back to my LG Dare. I'd hate to do that since the Dare is limited, lousy on the Internet, limited customization and will only download the text of an Email....but in the 2 months I used it, it I found it to be fast, it never required a soft or hard reset, the battery lasted 4X as long and the 3MP camera takes higher quality photos than the 5MP Omnia due to a superior lens.

- Chris[/QUOTE]

well id hate for u to go to a lesser phone, but battery life I can understand and if u think the camera is better thats ur opinion...but you may just have a bad camera...I would get it replaced but it seems ur not inclined to keep the omnia past 30 days and truthfully you need more then 30 days to get used to ur first Winmo phone...I don't have any white sinks in my house, but I took pics of ceramic statues, doors, and tiles on my floor and In each room there is different lighting....but no pink hue...

what do u have ur "white balance" set to? and what are your other camera settings set to?

if u answered these questions with someone else I'm sorry...
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  #94 (permalink)  
Old 01-04-2009, 05:01 AM
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Re: Thinking of installing SPB Mobile Shell

I don't have any white sinks in my house, but I took pics of ceramic statues, doors, and tiles on my floor and In each room there is different lighting....but no pink hue...

what do u have ur "white balance" set to? and what are your other camera settings set to?

if u answered these questions with someone else I'm sorry...
Here are further pictures and camera settings:
  #95 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2009, 01:33 AM
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Re: Thinking of installing SPB Mobile Shell

Cmass....I can't remember if it was this thread we talked about using iMarche's Shell skinning app and using our own wallpaper, but as I started playing with it, there was a new release.....take a look:http://www.imarche.net/omnia/index.php

Here is my current look:


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  #96 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2009, 08:51 PM
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Re: Thinking of installing SPB Mobile Shell

Can someone explain where we can see examples of all of the button sets so I know what they will look like when I pick them?

Also, when going through each Layout option, what do the different options refer to?

For example, under "customize layout" here are my questions:
- What is the Layout Launcher and what does Single Program Page/MRU, etc refer to?
- What is Low Memory Layout?
- Launcher Buttons? (There are 2...)
- Status Icons?

I have also noticed that when I click "Cancel" etc it takes me back to the ORIGINAL shell and takes a sec or so for the Watch to kick in and return me back to Spb Mobile Shell...Is this normal?

Thanks a lot for all of the help!
  #97 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2009, 12:43 AM
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Re: Thinking of installing SPB Mobile Shell

The best way to see the different options is to go to the main site and click on options...you will see another bar open under that showing clocks, buttons.....

I do think it could be more complete, because like you nemtion there are no indications about the launchers or status icons.

Program page MRU (Most Recently Used apps) refers to the options to have one page of both together (like in stock), one of each, or two page combinations.

Low memory layout.....wish I knew, I figure it couldn't hurt to chose it though LOL!
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  #98 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2009, 12:53 AM
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Re: Thinking of installing SPB Mobile Shell

Thanks...I will play with it...A few more questions coming your way

1. I have noticed that when the Omnia is in landscape mode, the text for S2U2 is garbled when it covers the charging icon...Any ideas?

2. When I change menus sometimes with Spb Mobile, I BRIEFLY see the OLD home screen..Normal?

3. How can I use the OLD alarm program with Spb Mobile? I want the old one mapped to the alarm button on the home page because you can select more songs, etc for the wake-up tune...

4. Any idea how to change where the buttons ABOVE the very bottom buttons on the "Today" screen go? For example, the EMAIL button automatically goes to the OUTLOOK email when I want it to go to another email account.

5. How can I change the buttons under the PROGRAMS area?

6. Anyone figured out any ideas about the startup tweaking with regards to startup programs, etc?

7. I noticed that under my MAIN memory I have only 28 MB free. How can I see which programs are installed under MAIN memory and what can I remove?

As usual, I feel like I am always asking for more, but I really do appreciate all of the help. Thanks a lot!
  #99 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2009, 01:20 AM
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Re: Thinking of installing SPB Mobile Shell

Originally Posted by pppebble88 View Post
Thanks...I will play with it...A few more questions coming your way

1. I have noticed that when the Omnia is in landscape mode, the text for S2U2 is garbled when it covers the charging icon...Any ideas?!
If you can post a screen shot of that, I am not sure what line you mean, but I don't think I have that issue!!

Originally Posted by pppebble88 View Post
2. When I change menus sometimes with Spb Mobile, I BRIEFLY see the OLD home screen..Normal?!
I don't know about 'normal' but I have it as well, so yes, I think it is fine!!

Originally Posted by pppebble88 View Post
3. How can I use the OLD alarm program with Spb Mobile? I want the old one mapped to the alarm button on the home page because you can select more songs, etc for the wake-up tune...!
That may be possible, I'm not sure (maybe I'll ask over at XDA). When yo say old, do you mean the Omnia's alarm? You can still access that through the Programs icon!!

Originally Posted by pppebble88 View Post
4. Any idea how to change where the buttons ABOVE the very bottom buttons on the "Today" screen go? For example, the EMAIL button automatically goes to the OUTLOOK email when I want it to go to another email account.
If you are specific about the buttons we can see what we can do...the one you mentioned I am not sure about. I know the icon will open whatever new text/email you have, I am sure there may be a way to set a 'default' mailbox to open to though.

Originally Posted by pppebble88 View Post
5. How can I change the buttons under the PROGRAMS area?
Which ones are those (a screen shot may help here as well)?

Originally Posted by pppebble88 View Post
6. Anyone figured out any ideas about the startup tweaking with regards to startup programs, etc?
If you mean apps to start after a reset, there is a way (place a shortcut in the windows/startup folder).

Originally Posted by pppebble88 View Post
7. I noticed that under my MAIN memory I have only 28 MB free. How can I see which programs are installed under MAIN memory and what can I remove?
In your file explorer, go to My Device > Program Folder all apps installed on your device will have a folder there.

Originally Posted by pppebble88 View Post
As usual, I feel like I am always asking for more, but I really do appreciate all of the help. Thanks a lot!
No sweat, that is what were all here for!!
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  #100 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2009, 04:50 AM
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Re: Thinking of installing SPB Mobile Shell

With regards to question 4.
From what i understand the email client will always open up OUTLOOK by default unless you have received a new email into your preferred client.
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