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  #381 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 09:04 AM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

How are you trying to intall things? Usually the first thing you see after clicking the CAB file is the screen asking where to install it. Maybe it is the app as well, there are some hard-coded to install in specific places.

On a side note, check out the Omnia upgrades sub-forum, there are cooked ROMs that give you a LOT of on-board memory!!!!

  #382 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 11:19 AM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

I have a small "annoyance" with my i910. At night, I put my phone on silent, but like to leave the phone on in case I wake up in the middle of the night and want to see if any calls or emails have come in. Normally, I hit the power switch and put the phone on my bedstand with the screen down. Some nights I leave the phone plugged in to fully charge it. Here's the annoyance: if the phone is not plugged in, things work great; however, if the phone is plugged in, the backlight frequently turns on. What I can't figure out is what is causing it to turn on. There are no new calls, texts, or emails. If I hit the power button it turns off again, but will turn back on in a few minutes. My guess is that the phone is checking for new email, but not sure about that. Any ideas of how to stop this? I'm a bit obsessive about having a pitch black room and really hate having the glow of the phone showing up when I'm trying to fall asleep.

  #383 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 11:32 AM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

That is a common complaint about the Omnia, and I am not sure if anyone has come up with a 'fix' for it. Other than turning it over like you do, maybe draping a cloth over it to 'dim' the glow. (how's THAT for a low-tec idea?) I have just grown so used to it I don't even notice it any longer.
  #384 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 11:41 AM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

Originally Posted by syrguy1969 View Post
That is a common complaint about the Omnia, and I am not sure if anyone has come up with a 'fix' for it. Other than turning it over like you do, maybe draping a cloth over it to 'dim' the glow. (how's THAT for a low-tec idea?) I have just grown so used to it I don't even notice it any longer.
I suppose given the number of towels currently strewn about my room covering up various lights (did I mention my slight obsession?), one more towel won't kill me! Thanks for confirming that I just hadn't missed some setting somewhere.
  #385 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 11:47 AM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

my screen randomly turns on when not plugged in... and I don't have it set up to automatically check anything...
i920....Waiting on the Omnia 7 to hit Verizon....
  #386 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 12:10 PM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

This may sound stupid but are you using s2u2 and what are you power settings
Stock AT&T ROM w/ Transparent Manila 2.1 edits
(I miss flashing...)

Don't forget to click THANKS for those who have helped!
  #387 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 12:25 PM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

I am not using s2u2 and have basically kept the default power settings. For "On External Power" I have it set to Turn off device after 5 minutes, turn off backlight after 1 minute, and left the "turn on backlight when button is pressed" checked.
  #388 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 01:07 PM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

WM devices usually power on once at midnight to update everything for the next day.
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  #389 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 02:24 PM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

Originally Posted by Kenzie's Grandma View Post
Hi everyone, I just found this forum so pls forgive me if I'm in the wrong thread or something OK? I just got my Omnia i910 from Bell Mobility last week and I really like it but one thing about it is driving me bananas (sorry my caps lock is giving me problems now too) No matter what I try to install on my phone it insists on putting it in the device memory and as you all know it isn"T very big>

I"Ve looked and looked but I can"t find anywhere to designate either the My Storage or the sd card that is in it>

Can someone please help me?

Thanks so much in advance, this seems to be a really great forum.

If your using opera first thing you can do unless there is a permant way to make it so this is unnesisory is when you download somthing it gives you the option to open i think and save. Save it and another screen will pop up with and option where to store the cab. Than when you open that you will have the same option. I like to store cabs on storage cards and install on your 8 gb storage. That way you can still have it on hard reset or use your favorite backup program. I really do not like internet explorer seems way to slow and asks to many questions. so i really dont know about that
  #390 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 03:09 PM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

Originally Posted by phullofphil View Post
If your using opera first thing you can do unless there is a permant way to make it so this is unnesisory is when you download somthing it gives you the option to open i think and save. Save it and another screen will pop up with and option where to store the cab. Than when you open that you will have the same option. I like to store cabs on storage cards and install on your 8 gb storage. That way you can still have it on hard reset or use your favorite backup program. I really do not like internet explorer seems way to slow and asks to many questions. so i really dont know about that
Not sure if this was really answering his question. I dont think he was refering to downloading or browsing. It looked like his issue was installing cabs and them not giving him the option to install to my storage. In that case, this would be a fairly odd issue. The location of the cab should not make a difference in how and to where it installs.

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