Re: black screen when getting a call
I have not had an issue with this on my Moment, sorry.
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Re: black screen when getting a call
same problem here. once in a while, cant even answer the call sometimes
Re: black screen when getting a call
ok atleast i know it isnt just me guess il wait and see if the new os has any change on this if not guess il exchage it out provided 2.1 comes out within the next few weeks.
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My sister and I same problem |
Re: black screen when getting a call
cool so it's not the rooted kernel I put on the phone! HA HA
i notice this happens when the screen has timed out... the phone will ring, flash the picture for a nanosecond and then black...
Re: black screen when getting a call
it always does that when i pick up my phone. it turns off the screen and i cant answer. if u slide open the keyboard it should turn the screen back on though
Re: black screen when getting a call
What it seems like to me is the proximity sensor. I have noticed if it is ringing and I cover the sensor with my hand trying to hit the answer button it will turn the screen off.
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