Originally Posted by pzztgotbagz
I have installed this onto my 830 now i can open the keyboard and dial directly from the screen can also look up contacts with it thanks to ercave1 over at xda-developers for this. I will post some screen caps if i get a chance.
Since updating to Cingular's 2.06 ROM which includes PTT. I have added the PTT service to my line. I could no longer use Sleuth's PPTFix to map the button to the Input Panel. I did not want to change any other button mappings except the Comm Manager button (mapped to Voice Command) since the Comm Manager was already accessible from the Tray.
I found another way to open the input panel using two tools from developers Vijay's Sipswitch (
www.Vijay555.com) and Philippe Majerus's Phm Tray Launch (
www.phm.lu). Vijay's app allows you to launch the Input Panel with command line parameters to open and switch to the desire SIP panel. So, the trick was to create a shortcut to launch Sipswitch.exe with the Keyboard parameter. Next using PHM Tray Launch I mapped the shortcut created earlier, and enabled PHM Tray Launch. Now I had the icon I needed in the tray to launch the input panel for use with the Dial Lookup and Search plugins from the Treo.
I'm attaching screenshots and a CAB that does all of the work described for you... all you must do to for this to work is Enable PHM Tray Launch (located in Start>Programs
Thanks to Vijay and Philippe for these tools!