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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2011, 02:04 AM
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Re: Samsung Within release date on Sprint/ Samsung Galaxy SII release date on Sprint?

Originally Posted by masetas View Post
Ive read that theres going to be epic touch 4g and galaxy within
There is going to be a 4.3" inch and a 4.5"? from my understanding the epic touch 4g is the touch phone with no keyboard..based on previous info I doubt within is the keyboard phone..though there might be one just like the one linked for ATT...with the darn 4 row kb
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2011, 08:23 AM
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Re: Samsung Within release date on Sprint/ Samsung Galaxy SII release date on Sprint?

ok...doing my research about my next phone...and i consistently come back to SGS2 (Within) I'm a HTC guy...been using HTC phones since WinMo 6.0...and now running a EVO.

Can anyone concur that the Within is going to blow the HTC Kingdom pretty much out of the water (specs wise)....

However, will it be a nightmare to root? I doubt I'll be happy with a stock phone...no matter how godly the specs are.

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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2011, 10:15 AM
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Re: Samsung Within release date on Sprint/ Samsung Galaxy SII release date on Sprint?

@America1972 good question... I'm trying to figure out if the sprint model will ne 16 or 32gb or if they will inner both.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2011, 05:30 PM
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Re: Samsung Within release date on Sprint/ Samsung Galaxy SII release date on Sprint?

Originally Posted by amw1972 View Post
ok...doing my research about my next phone...and i consistently come back to SGS2 (Within) I'm a HTC guy...been using HTC phones since WinMo 6.0...and now running a EVO.

Can anyone concur that the Within is going to blow the HTC Kingdom pretty much out of the water (specs wise)....

However, will it be a nightmare to root? I doubt I'll be happy with a stock phone...no matter how godly the specs are.
We will have to see once it comes out but so far samsung phones have been one of the easiest to root as they don't do the bootloader thing like htc or Motorola...you will see if there is root on day 1.

As for spec wise yes it will..it wins out in CPU and GPU scores on most benchmarks, has a better much camera sensor, has 5ghz wifi, has better audio, has super amoled plus display..I can go on and on...

If you don't like it return it in 30days..simple as that..
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2011, 05:19 AM
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Re: Samsung Within release date on Sprint/ Samsung Galaxy SII release date on Sprint?

@gTen: I completely forgot about the 30day thing with Sprint. I'm partial to HTC devices (since the Mogul>>) My wife has the Epic4G, I've rooted that for her...but have NOT flashed a custom ROM on it. She doesn't like that I spend hours on end messing with my phone to begin with....so I don't have experience with Samsung flashing...

I'm torn between these 2 devices...but I'll probably be doing the try one out and return if I don't like route.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2011, 05:30 AM
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Re: Samsung Within release date on Sprint/ Samsung Galaxy SII release date on Sprint?

Originally Posted by amw1972 View Post
ok...doing my research about my next phone...and i consistently come back to SGS2 (Within) I'm a HTC guy...been using HTC phones since WinMo 6.0...and now running a EVO.

Can anyone concur that the Within is going to blow the HTC Kingdom pretty much out of the water (specs wise)....

However, will it be a nightmare to root? I doubt I'll be happy with a stock phone...no matter how godly the specs are.
good comparison.
Upcoming Sprint phones - Phone Arena

this sgs2 got rooted quick.
How To Root SGS2 Samsung Galaxy S II I9100 - Instructions
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2011, 11:36 AM
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Re: Samsung Within release date on Sprint/ Samsung Galaxy SII release date on Sprint?

Originally Posted by amw1972 View Post
@gTen: I completely forgot about the 30day thing with Sprint. I'm partial to HTC devices (since the Mogul>>) My wife has the Epic4G, I've rooted that for her...but have NOT flashed a custom ROM on it. She doesn't like that I spend hours on end messing with my phone to begin with....so I don't have experience with Samsung flashing...

I'm torn between these 2 devices...but I'll probably be doing the try one out and return if I don't like route.
I've been using HTC since the Apache, got a bit tired of HTC them putting in outdated/skimping on hardware and that they never got the video drivers out for the mogul/TP2 etc...

Went with the Epic because for the first time did I see awesome hardware and it was the only keyboard phone..

I mean lets be honest, its not like we "chose" HTC, its more like HTC was our only choice back in the days...right now I just keep a list of vendors I would buy from rather then sticking to one..so far I tried HTC and Samsung and would get either if I saw a device I liked...I am also up for trying LG if opportunity comes...For Motorola I will only try them when they ship a phone unsigned...ZTE and Huwaii I am iffy about their quality as they are chinese based and price things fairly cheaply...
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