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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2010, 01:22 AM
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Cool [DEV] Sense Port to All Galaxy S Devices

Me and a few developers have already begun working on porting the rom to the Epic. Our main goal is to port it to all the Galaxy devices, but since our main devices are the Epic we are working on that one first. We have already had plans to do this for a few weeks now, just didn't go public with it due to the possibility of it being warez.

Developers currently:
- Whosdaman
- dharvey4651

Kernel DEVs
- geniusdog254
- DevinXtreme
- noobnl

APKs Modifiers
- thatdudebutch
- Captainkrtek

ROMs Porters
- Mammon88
- Captainkrtek

Beta Testers (CLOSED):
- itsjusttim
- zelendel
- bigmcq77
- zlyons
- csolarz31
- 063_XOBX
- Xerloq
- ericizzy1
- ecker2008
- tstack77
- KCutrer1 | Capivate

Anyone else want in? We are primarily working on Epic currently, but we will be working on the others afterward. If you wish to join in let us one of us know and we'll be more then glad to fill you in. It's a closed project, but will be public to everyone once we get it ready.

UPDATE: We will be basing the ROM port off of the Desire Z for all Galaxy S devices over the Desire HD due to landscape support in sense, keyboard support for Epic, and overall performance.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2010, 01:22 AM
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Re: [DEV] Sense Port to All Galaxy S Devices

Please, if you wish, you can !!!

Current Donators

Proposed Donators
- itsjusttim | $100
- tolisan | $5
- Iacopo91 | $5
- criskelo | $20
- Trinitronik | 20$
- Gautam13 | 20$
- Alexander13 | $5
- Jonas.M | $20 (Working w/wo Bluetooth)
- Guiper | $27 (Fully working)
- andrewluecke | $19 (Fully working)
- dakine - 30$ (Fully working)
- munolos - 5$ (Fully working)
- adamw156 - £40 - 63$
- tids2k - 25 AUD - 24,5$
- MAMBO04 - 10 £ - 15$ (semiport), 20 £ - 31$
- Hayden4018 - 20 $
- DangerMUK - £ 30 - 47$
- nanoinside - 62$
- DJGonzo - $25 - Bootable Sense port.
- Kaik541 | $10
- LGSilva | $10
- KCutrer1 | $30 - Data & Wifi required.
- ronaldramsayii | $5
- lauchon | $100 - Everything working
- DomiKamp |$25 - No camera & Bluetooth is OK as long as everything else works.
- Clienterror | $15
- warri | $10
- itsjusttim | $20 - Vibrant fully working
- rkorzuch | $25
- flashman2002 | $10
- IceManiac88 | $20
- E_man5112 | $5 - 2.1 ROM / $10 - 2.2 ROM]
- DOAlaboratories | $15 - 2.2 ROM
- gorrynel | $100 - Fully working 2.2 ROM
- tweek1020 | $5
- icezar1 | $20
- sblees | $20
- Maroon Mushroom | $25 - Data working
- ProfessorBean | $20
- freedonkey | $25
- diablo009 | $15
- nooomoto | $50
- And many more...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2010, 01:23 AM
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Re: [DEV] Sense Port to All Galaxy S Devices

You can follow us on twitter via #CommonSense

- Whosdaman
- Geniusdog254
- DevinXtreme
- noobnl
- thatdudebutch
- Captainkrtek
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-21-2011, 11:53 PM
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Re: [DEV] Sense Port to All Galaxy S Devices

Any new progress on this?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2011, 03:52 AM
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Re: [DEV] Sense Port to All Galaxy S Devices

Hey Dev's hope you guys read this.

There is a huge bounty on alot of foruns for Dev's to work on porting HTC's Sense UI for the GALAXY S Devices. Ive Have a funtional version of Sense UI on my captivate. The only thing that i see is wrong with it is that there is No Data, some orientation issues, no Camera and Unstableness.

Sinse those people would want to donate Hope this infor will help you guys. I will post Info on how I got it to work.

1: Must be running rooted froyo with clockwork
2: Install galaxy-efsbackup.zip and flash cm7-galaxys-initial-kernel.tar with odin from here: [ROM] MIUI 2.3.4 for Galaxy S - v1.6.3 [MCGv5.3 - Based On Official - IRC] - xda-developers
3: Then go to Recovery and pick mounts & storage and format system, data, cache.
Then flash GalaxySense[ROM] (0.4) from here: [02/06][ROM/Port][GalaxySense][Beta 0.5][Sense 2.1 + 3.0 addons][Android 2.3.3] - xda-developers
4: Give the phone about 5-10 minutes to boot

[Captivate Only]
5: Go into recovery and flash this kernel [Kernel] UNSUPPORTED Reoriented Sense Kernel Alpha 2 *works on Alpha 4* - xda-developers

That's all it took. In using a Captivate so i hope all GalaxyS Phones Get the same results.

Appreciation goes to:

Kenia1234...............................Galaxy ROM
Team Cyanogen & MAMBO04.....efs-backup & Kernel
TheEscapist.............................Sense Kernel for Captivate

[I take no responsibility for the damages you do to your device nor do i take credit for the appreciated peoples work]

Note: Please Spread The Word!!!

Last edited by bluerjb; 06-10-2011 at 03:54 AM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2011, 04:29 AM
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Re: [DEV] Sense Port to All Galaxy S Devices

I want to help, specifically for the Epic. Let me know what I could do.
If I or someone else has helped you make sure to hit the button!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-05-2011, 04:10 PM
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Re: [DEV] Sense Port to All Galaxy S Devices

Great idea and this is awesome that you guys are doing this.

I will make sure you guys get resources/help from ppcg and this is really great development, I know people would love Sense on gs devices
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-05-2011, 07:18 PM
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Re: [DEV] Sense Port to All Galaxy S Devices

Pretty sure this aint happening...if you want something similar, use Launcher Pro Plus w/ the Sense skin...looks and works just like Sense w/ the widgets and everything...
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 07-05-2011, 08:03 PM
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We were pretty sure I wasn't going to be running WP7 on my HD2 too...

Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using PPCGeeks
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2011, 07:51 PM
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Re: [DEV] Sense Port to All Galaxy S Devices

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
We were pretty sure I wasn't going to be running WP7 on my HD2 too...

Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using PPCGeeks
Your point being? The OP of this thread has moved on to a HTC Evo 3D, and most of the others on the list noobnl, mammon, devinxtreme aren't working on it...not going to happen.

But hey, hope you enjoy WP7 on your HD2
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  PPCGeeks > Android > Android Samsung Devices > Samsung Galaxy Series

htc sense, samsung galaxy s, wdm, whosdaman

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