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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2012, 06:45 PM
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Sense ROM on SGS2(Epic Touch 4G)

Is there a ROM for the SGS2(Epic Touch 4G) with Sense? Is that even possible? I have yet to flash a ROM on any of my rooted devices and curious if there is a ROM with Sense so I can flash it on my SGS2.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2012, 09:59 PM
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I haven't seen one.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2012, 10:46 AM
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Re: Sense ROM on SGS2(Epic Touch 4G)

Over on XDA there is a Sense Themed rom that is very close to the true HTC Sense look. Threre is actually 2 Sense themed roms,but one of them more closely resembles the true Sense look throughout. Id post the roms name but i cant remember it now. Just head over to xda and search their Epic 4G Touch rom developement section and u will find it. Both Sense themed roms have HTC or Sense in the rom titles. I havent tried either of them,but the screen shots of one of the Sense themed roms looks very close to my old Evo. Hope this helps.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2012, 12:02 AM
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Re: Sense ROM on SGS2(Epic Touch 4G)

Originally Posted by lbcary View Post
Over on XDA there is a Sense Themed rom that is very close to the true HTC Sense look. Threre is actually 2 Sense themed roms,but one of them more closely resembles the true Sense look throughout. Id post the roms name but i cant remember it now. Just head over to xda and search their Epic 4G Touch rom developement section and u will find it. Both Sense themed roms have HTC or Sense in the rom titles. I havent tried either of them,but the screen shots of one of the Sense themed roms looks very close to my old Evo. Hope this helps.
prove it cause you cant do it and i live on xda and never saw the word "sense" in a et4g rom title.

Epic 4G Touch Android Development - xda-developers
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2012, 05:19 PM
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Re: Sense ROM on SGS2(Epic Touch 4G)

i havent seen any sense roms for the epic touch either

the op has this same question over at xda and all the replies he got also stated no sense roms except for Venum which has a THEMED LPP rom that he never (atleast i havent seen it) released.
IF I helped feel free to hit the thanks button

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2012, 03:17 AM
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Re: Sense ROM on SGS2(Epic Touch 4G)

I said Sense themed roms. Not actual Sense roms. I thought i saw them on xda,sorry if i was wrong. By now they would be outdated GB roms and i believ to get the Sense theme that it require flashing a Sense themed zip available for the specific rom. But trust me there have been Sense themed roms,or Sense themes,made for the Epic 4G Touch. None of which actually had a real Sense look/feel to them. Sorry if i was mistaken,but im certain their are at least 2 Sense themes bcuz ive flashed them months ago,and always nandroided back to my previous roms.
and this many months later and how old those roms and matching Sense themes posts would be. Im not even going to try to find them. Besides neither of them ran well enough to be used as a daily rom anyway.They mostly used third-party Sense look-alike apps and widgets anyway.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 05-03-2012, 12:01 AM
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Re: Sense ROM on SGS2(Epic Touch 4G)

i don't think i've seen any sense gingerbread roms but the closest thing to a sense themed rom is [ROM][Team Nocturnal & Team VeNuM] "NoCTuRNaL VeNuM" [v1.2][4/20/2012] - xda-developers which is ics and features many sense 4.0 things, i think some are ports but there's plenty to play with to see if you like

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