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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2011, 08:44 PM
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Ahem, $202.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 10-02-2011, 12:13 AM
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$ 203 final offer!

Sent from an Epic 3G using ppcgeeks.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 10-02-2011, 06:47 PM
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Re: Advice

Thanks for all your advice... Isn't a phone called the prime coming out this month for sprint and iphone 5. I haven't upgraded for about 4 years and im out of the loop and don't know to much about which phone is the best. I don't want to use my upgrade and lose my plan if there going to be a better phone coming out in couple of weeks.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 10-02-2011, 08:18 PM
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Re: Advice

Originally Posted by CareTake12 View Post
Thanks for all your advice... Isn't a phone called the prime coming out this month for sprint and iphone 5. I haven't upgraded for about 4 years and im out of the loop and don't know to much about which phone is the best. I don't want to use my upgrade and lose my plan if there going to be a better phone coming out in couple of weeks.
iphone5 or iphone4 is coming out on sprint this month. all will be announced in the next day or so. The prime will most likely be coming to Verizon in Late October/Nov time period. I doubt Sprint will get it for a few months. Hopefully they get it soon though.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 10-02-2011, 09:02 PM
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Re: Advice

if you wait to upgrade your phone cause another is about to be released then your going to end being with the phone you have now cause after iphone is released then maybe prine will get released then another phone will be scheduled to be released then next year comes around and then you will have more htc phones also then you will have the sgs3 etc etc...
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 10-02-2011, 10:39 PM
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Re: Advice

Originally Posted by Riley View Post
iphone5 or iphone4 is coming out on sprint this month. all will be announced in the next day or so. The prime will most likely be coming to Verizon in Late October/Nov time period. I doubt Sprint will get it for a few months. Hopefully they get it soon though.
ya iphony 4 is first and prime if it comes is after that if it does, saw lots of twitter chatter vzw is only one getting it.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2011, 06:58 PM
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Re: Advice

I think the OP is stuck, because of sprint's new 14 day return policy. I don't think the iphone or the prime will come out before then. After living through WM on the TP2 for 2 years on the $30 SERO, I was all too happy to pay the extra $20/mo to get a real smart phone. The issue isn't just whether an extra $20/mo is worth it, but also what other options you have on the $30 sero? The Epic 4G Touch is awesome, it blows away my old TP2. I don't even know if there are any decent new phones that are coming out that Sprint will let you use on the $30 sero. An alternative would be to get the LG Marquee, and pay only $40/mo ($10 more), which is still a step up from whatever crap is compatible with the $30 sero.

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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2011, 01:18 PM
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Re: Advice

Premium SERO is worth it IMHO. Hell Courtney works for Sprint and my bill is around the same as hers with my SERO each month. Just my thoughts...
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2011, 03:34 PM
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Re: Advice

God dammit, I just typed out a whole thing and IE delted it, damn work puters.

I think it's worth it coming from a flashed + OC'd TP2.

1. badass weather animated background.

2. Stupid fast, no more proccessor bottle necking for me. You can basically do whatever you want.

3. streaming netflix and online video

4. A good camera

5. Major support for android apps and programs.

6. Google Nav and maps is so much better, better than the fullsize website version

7. can carry my laptop a lot less now.

I was paying overcharges on pic messages that people were sending me that I couldnt even see, plus I was going over my 500 texts a month, even work requires more texting now.

Wasn't impressed with the EVO, but glad that I got this phone. I was gonna return this and get the prime, but I don't think I am and here's why.

1. the prime will probably be faster, but I doubt I need the extra speed over this one, the only reason I could see if I found some game that I really wanted to play, but I play my games on the 360 and BF3 is aroudn the corner.

2. Not interested in having a curved phone and screen

3. They delayed it, who knows what the real reason is, ICS may still have bugs, this phone works great. I think you might be able to flash ICS later anyhoo, either way not a big deal.

4. Who knows when it's coming out? IF I "really" wanted it, I could always sell the ET and pay the difference or find someone on craigslist that wants to trade phone for phone. But I'll doubt I'll want the prime that bad.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 10-14-2011, 09:13 AM
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Re: Advice

I was on the Tp2 and I still had 1 1/2 years till my contract expired. I bought the og Epic full cash and had it swapped for the Tp2 without the upgrade and paid $10 extra. I'm now eligible for an upgrade but I bought the Epic 4 touch full price and had it swapped still keeping my upgrade for a later phone. Now I'm under no contracts, enjoying the latest.
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