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  #91 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2007, 05:12 PM
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Originally Posted by schettj
Originally Posted by jamesus
Also noticed that when typing, the auto-correct function does not work.

For example, in the stock AKU 2 ROM, I would type 'dont' and when i hit space or period, it would change to 'don't'. When I try this in a cooked ROM from the kitchen with no OEMs added, the apostrophe is not added correctly.

Other examples

i --> I
didnt --> didn't

Am I the only one with this problem?
It's a setting - did you enable the setting? Start Setting Input... maybe it was enabled by default or by an OEM before?
Didn't know it was a setting...I looked and didn't find anything. I think this was something that was completely new to WM5 and I don't remember ever enabling a setting.
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  #92 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2007, 02:44 AM
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In previous ROMs its on by default. Even after enabling it still doesnt work for me either.
  #93 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2007, 03:06 AM
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Originally Posted by sfaure03
<...> you might have noted that I inculded a builder.cmd file in the rom i posted. <...>
BTW - I really like that! tnx
  #94 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2007, 11:13 AM
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Keep up the good work... Look foward to you future releases...
  #95 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2007, 08:47 PM
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After a few days of testing...i'm now noticing that my battery drain is high. Even did hard reset and installed ONLY the VZW customize just like what I did when we solved this with Helmi's AKU 3.3.

Powermeter was reporting consistant averages of 300mA averages. I think it has to do with the ActiveSync heartbeats, because I think my EV-DO is doing something while I think its idle to get those averages.

Might have to look at those entries, that has got to be the culprit.

Edit: Noticed they are the SAME as the MSFT package in the VZW ExtRom. Uh oh.
  #96 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2007, 09:59 PM
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Originally Posted by technole
After a few days of testing...i'm now noticing that my battery drain is high. Even did hard reset and installed ONLY the VZW customize just like what I did when we solved this with Helmi's AKU 3.3.

Powermeter was reporting consistant averages of 300mA averages. I think it has to do with the ActiveSync heartbeats, because I think my EV-DO is doing something while I think its idle to get those averages.

Might have to look at those entries, that has got to be the culprit.

Edit: Noticed they are the SAME as the MSFT package in the VZW ExtRom. Uh oh.
I must be one of the few using DirectPush if i'm seeing this error.

The Microsoft reccamanded MSFT settings helped a little..but i think there something else i'm missing...


Can someone check Helmi's AKU 3.3 default.hv registry to see what he has? I can't seem to use my kitchen tools on my work Vista notebook to see his, which I'll bet are the Microsoft defaults above, unlike this AKU 3.5 release. (I think its because we have prevented .NET 2)

This is from the VZW MSF extrom cab and they were the same settings in this kitchen, since it was originally from verizonguy...maybe he made this one standard?

<characteristic type="Sync">
<characteristic type="Settings">
<parm name="HeartbeatMin" value="900"/>
<parm name="HeartbeatDefault" value="1800"/>
<parm name="HeartbeatMax" value="7200"/>

I propose this "image" rom to use the Microsoft standard default settings, which i'll bet matches Helmi's.
  #97 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2007, 11:52 PM
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Go to \windows\activesync\ctrllog and view the file. What is the heartbeat interval it is showing (it gradually moves every interval until there is a "ping failed" error). Mine appears to be holding at 1380 pretty consistently.
  #98 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2007, 11:59 PM
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Originally Posted by technole
After a few days of testing...i'm now noticing that my battery drain is high....
Powermeter was reporting consistant averages of 300mA averages. I think it has to do with the ActiveSync heartbeats, because I think my EV-DO is doing something while I think its idle to get those averages.
To get 300ma your device is not at any idle.
Idle amounts are 60ma. Full maxed out is 200ma and up...
I would only pass 350ma if overclocked. You clould feel the heat from the battery..
  #99 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2007, 12:42 AM
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Originally Posted by finster869

Go to \windows\activesync\ctrllog and view the file. What is the heartbeat interval it is showing (it gradually moves every interval until there is a "ping failed" error). Mine appears to be holding at 1380 pretty consistently.
480 heartbeat. I even removed the heartbeat entries too with no nice...since they were not in Helmi's.

I think i'll go back to my stable 3.3 for now since i need juice for the week and i'm on the road. I'll look at the activesync differences and work them in the kitchen plus test some more later.
  #100 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2007, 01:28 AM
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i dont see any such settings in helmi's kitchen at all for these values.

and for the RECORD, we ARE using the kitchen helmi gave us to do the 3.5.

Theve values have neither been set nor changed by anybody {imcokeman or myself} that have adapted the kitchen from that recieved by helmi.
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