University of Alabama Theme
Upon request.. here is Crimson Tide University of Alabama...
I'm surprised i got this done... time to relax for the weekend and get crankin on some more monday Preware: University of Alabama Crimson Tide Prethemer.com: http://www.prethemer.com/University_...-theme366.html
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Re: University of Alabama Theme
I did in fact use another WP. The original looked pink on my pre and we can't have that haha. The Alabama Pink Tide? Don't think so. Thanks again. I owe ya one.
Re: University of Alabama Theme
pink? Really? Not mine, but I guess that's a normal issue with these pres.. I guess I got lucky... Or maybe its just a matter of time lol
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Re: University of Alabama Theme
If you do an Alabama theme (and you're not an Alabama fan), then it's a rule that you have to do one like that for the Florida Gators. [I think you know I'm just kidding about it being a rule; But it would be very appreciated.]
There are two on PreThemer, but neither is complete. Need lots of Orange & Blue.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. |
Re: University of Alabama Theme
I'd say the gators are still seeing all CRIMSON and WHITE! You might want to create that theme using crimson. All in good fun! SEC thru and thru!