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  #71 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2007, 10:01 PM
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Pls forgive my stupid questions.
1. in Programs - Mortscript folder- I will have 2 files (joe.mscr & joe.lnk)?
2. in this application's config file, the path will for this Button will be
\Program Files\mortscript\joe.lnk or
\Program Files\mortscript\joe.mscr ?
3. this is REAL dumb, but how do I create a sortcut to that joe.mscr file from my ppc? I am used to doing it on the comp but never here.
that's it.....for now LOL

Wow => I did more searching and found that I'm supposed to use GSFinder+ to create a shortcut, right? So, I created a text file: Run("\Program Files\VJDialer.exe 1234567") from my desktop. Copied it to my PPC, renamed it Joe.mscr. Ran GSFinder+, created a shortcut to Joe.mscr and sees that the a file was created named Joe.lnk in the Mortscript folder.
However, when I linked to it in the congif file: /Program Files/MortScript/Joe.lnk , nothing happens when I run iphone and click on that button. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Thank you.
  #72 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2007, 01:57 AM
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@ Wild Orchids

Well i feel stupid!!! i steered you wrong... ... opps

it needs to look like this in order to work.. clearly your path can very but you get the idea

Run("\Program Files\VJDialer\VJDialer.exe", "1234567")

If someone helps ya them!
  #73 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2007, 02:10 AM
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Still not working Wow :(

I uninstalled VJDialer (don't ask why, I just messed up) and installed the latest one he had on his website. So, now my path is: Program Files\Vijay555\VJDialer.exe
I created:
Run("\Program Files\ViJay555\VJDialer.exe", "1234567")

Ran GSFinder to create the shortcut. I know this time the mortscript is correct because when I only clicked on the mscr file once to try and save it, the dial pad came up and started dialing the # I specified. However, after the .lnk shortcut was created, clicking the icon did not do anything.

I thought the icons had to be linked to an .exe file?

I'm getting closer though....please be patient and help me get this working. Going to see my brother Saturday and I want to show him my phone (he has that "other" phone). LOL

One more thing, Wow, I just ran the .lnk file through GSFInder and it brought up the dial pad and started dialing the # correctly.

So that part is correct now....leaves only me not being able to tie it correctly to the button in config.
Clicking the Joe.mscr file in Mortscript folder also works.
\Program Files\MortScript\Joe.lnk does not seem to work, neither does \Program Files\MortScript\Joe.mscr.
I'm so lost Wow
  #74 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2007, 02:55 AM
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@ Wild

so heres a quick fix until i can figure out a better way to do this bc im having the same problem it doesnt error it just does nothing... i figured this out altho it adds an extra push required but its the best i got until i have a bit more time to play around...

on you PC create a txt file that looks like this (literally copy and paste change the number)

20#"\Windows\cprog.exe"-url tel: 1234567

save it and then rename it to .lnk

this will allow you to link in iconfig i have verified this working... idk know what you did doesnt work bc i definatly thought it would

sorry ill try a few more things but until then hope this will suffice


i tried everything it must be a problem with this program its driving me insane that it wont do anything with the lnks that i made... you dont even need morescript you shouldnt at least...

i did this (on PC) created a shortcut... right click properties -> shortcut tab at bottom -> target added 1234567 after the " with a space... renamed it test.lnk and taped it and bingo it dialed 1234567 but when i tried to link it to the iphone theme it just does NOTHING... ahh you got me pulling my hair out... night try more tomorrow
  #75 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2007, 03:44 PM
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Working Calendar icon

is there anyway to get the calendar icon to actually change with the date like it works on the the WAD/WA themes?
  #76 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2007, 04:24 PM
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Re: Working Calendar icon

Originally Posted by mr_black
is there anyway to get the calendar icon to actually change with the date like it works on the the WAD/WA themes?
unfortunately not sorry... its just an icon
  #77 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2007, 07:17 PM
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Hi Wow, I didn't mean for you to pull out your hair. LOL If you do figure this out, please let me know. Going on vacation tomorrow, so I will be back next week to check if you found a solution or not. Thanks for your help thusfar.
  #78 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2007, 09:21 PM
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lol dont worry ill see if i can figure it out sooner than later
  #79 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2007, 07:35 PM
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I think it worked!

I tried a variation of your method. Copied 20#"\Windows\cprog.exe"-url tel: 1234567 to a notepad. Gave it a name.lnk
I placed this file in \Program Files\Iphone folder and linked from there.

I got it to work, but it does call up a second push button (a bubble reads "phone" dial 123425678? and yes or no.

That works for me, unless you have something that would automatically dials that #, i.e. w/o prompting the "dial" question.

Thanks again for the program and hanging in there to help me with my questions.

Btw, does anyone have the slingbox icon I can use?

See you in a few days!

  #80 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2007, 11:51 PM
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I'm having the same issue someone else had a page or 2 back... My Live search, contacts & SMS all say "Link File Not Found"... I am using contact manager for my contacts, I have live search running on my today screen but I don't know about the SMS... I never installed anything just the text messaging that the PPC-6800 comes with. Can you help? Just so you know, i'm lucky I can dial a phone so thanks to you & the interney I can have some cool stuff on my phone! Thank You for the program either way, I have been looking for a cab for this!!!!!!!

One more thing, is there a page 2 or do I have to create it?
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