great ap, i have my home screen in portrait looking beautiful, but if i slide out the keyboard then it looks all shitty: there arent any buttons on the bottom, the bottom looks a bit out of place, and the background is blue not black.
other than that the theme works fine, i havent had it freeze yet, and i have about 22mbs of free ram when im running it, which is plenty for me. |
Mogul and other "slide-out" people, try the attached files for your theme and see if you like it or if it improves functionality. What I basically did as I stated previously is I "hid" my icons for the default view so that when it switches from landscape to portrait (and vice versa) it doesn't use resources redrawing a lot of icons.
Make sure you change the wallpapers to whatever you'd like. There's the main wallpapers, and the dimmed wallpepers so the icon text can be legible. Just dump these folders in your Themes > Desktop directory and pick them as your portrait and landscape themes respectively. NOTE: You'll have to hold down your stylus to each icon and make sure it points to the right program! MAXIMILIANO THEME: Main page of both Portrait and Landscape has: Contacts (Phone icon), SMS, Utilities Button (Opens my utils dock), and More Button (opens icons dock) ... ![]() ![]() This is my Utilities Dock... ![]() ![]() This is my More Dock... ![]() ![]() Lazyboy's README file shows you how to make docks... just remember that all of your "launcher" buttons should be pinned so that they always show.. that is unless you'd rather use "Back" buttons instead of toggle. On top of pinning items that you always want visible, think of the desktop as a layer system too. Like so... ![]() Wallpaper, Desktop, More Dock, Utilities Dock, Dashboard Well... hope this answered a lot.. if only iPod users could customize this much. Well, I guess pretty movements are more important for brain stimulation these days ![]() |
Thanks MAXIMILIANO for the share, how can I retain the top taskbar as it is in the lazy boy theme? and how do I rearrange the items myself? because I had increased the clock font so the other items (battery, volume e.t.c) are out of place and I would like to rearrange and align them. Thanks
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The top taskbar is not a part of the iPhone desktop theme itself... that's part of the iPhone Wisbar Advance 2 skin. I have no idea how you changed the font of that clock.. I haven't messed with it.
For the landscape one just load my theme, change the background of the bottom dashboard to the iPhone one, change the background to a black background (you can make a 320x240 black one if you want. Delete my Utilities launcher and my More launcher... then delete all the desktop stuff, and add all of your icons. It's really not that hard.. you just have to put some work into it. Trust me, once you're a pro, you'll get bored with the iPhone clone and just want to do something different altogether. |
\Program Files\Lakeridge\WisBar Advance\Themes\WADefault with the name .... custom1_normal.png .... the bad thing is i now lost my strenght bars that was to the left of the "verizon" ..... any ideas????? tnx |
using NOTEPAD and scrolling down to the title that says Clock, or you could import your theme to the custom theme under wisbar settings, and then click customize, scroll down to taskbar fonts, and click on Clock Font. Then from there change it as you wish. You seem like you're already a pro at this whole theme stuff, the main thing I need help on now is how to integrate a MAGICALL button that can change colors depending on whether it is active (green); inactive (red); or with message (yellow), just as it is in the regular wm6 today screen bottom task menu. I know the images are stored in the Windows/images folder of the device as run161.bmp, run162.bmp, and run163.bmp but I really dont know how to navigate wisbar to those functions. ANY HELP ![]() |
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