Originally Posted by arex10
first of all let me thank you for this amazing tutorial and for the time you take trying to help. i just have one quick question, ok i followed all the steps on how to make the theme and stuff but there is only one problem, i cant seem to find any picture to fit the screen. is there a specific size for the pictures for the today and start page?
There is but I stated that I wouldn't show this at all. I like people to learn on their own and while this helps a little, you have to figure out what those image sizes are and how to get the image to that size. That's the part that isn't tricky

but you have to figure out. If you want to make it easy on yourself, find a place that has wallpapers made specifically for PPC Devices. Most images will fit but certain parts are chopped off. Again, how to get the pic from being chopped off is what you have to figure out as I stated I wouldn't be showing that in this tutorial.