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View Poll Results: Which phone shall I buy?
HTC HD2 21 56.76%
HTC Touch Pro 2 16 43.24%
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2009, 05:37 PM
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Re: HTC HD2 or Touch Pro 2?

[QUOTE=WhiteBlazer01;1376382]I have always had to have a hardware keyboard since the HTC Apache (XV6700), and the TP2 keyboard is by far the best hardware keyboard I've seen around. If the HD2 had a hardware keyboard, then I'd be all about it, but I think I just may suck it up and ditch the keyboard for a test run on the HD2. But I really love the hardware keyboard. Love it!! Damn...


ive been that way about keyboards but i used the 6900 and diamond finger keyboard is excellent!
so on the hd2.. will be just as good!!
idk why but i like the vibrate of the hero. so hopefully the HD2 will be just like that during txting and whatnot
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2010, 08:08 AM
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Re: HTC HD2 or Touch Pro 2?

You'd think this is a no brainer and it be the HD2. I put my hands on that very device last night at the kiosk in our mall and it is everything it's advertised to be but with two caveats...no keyboard and for us resistive touchscreen users it does take some adjusting and I'm not convinced that my big paws are small enough despite the large on-screen keyboard. I'm so use to tapping with the very tips of my fingers that using my finger pads might be the most aggravating thing I do and what if the touchscreen doesn't behave up to specs then what? I own a TP2 and have it flashed with NRGZ28's Mar 9 ROM with MaxManilla....I like the form factor, the body glove that surrounds it, the keyboard and one look at the HD2 and the word fragile comes to mind...it's big and it's thin. What case can it be surrounded with that will absorb a fall? First impressions...my TP2 ran circles around the darn thing, but then again it wasn't flashed with anything that this website or XDA has cooked up for it....if it's as fast as I'm hearing it makes for one tough decision and if the HD2 lives up to the hype, buying TP2s is going to be whole lot cheaper if users flood ebay with them.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2010, 09:46 AM
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Re: HTC HD2 or Touch Pro 2?

i'm going to check out the hd2, i have to see how the snapdragon is! but i'm keeping my tp2, bye-bye blackberry!
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2010, 01:36 PM
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Re: HTC HD2 or Touch Pro 2?

I'll try and check it out again later but swype is not winning me...I will keep using the omnia version
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