Eris vs Omnia II
So in terms of specs, quality(call and sound), screen quality, and feel/durability which is better? I know the Omnia has the larger screen, but thats not a key factor, and neither is looks is a wash. Samsung will also have the better SQ(sound Q) vs the Eris so that always a plus. However, what really turns me off is the fact that Omnia is $200 bucks, which makes me think, at that price I should just go Moto Droid. If it was $150 I'd be more certain about getting the Omnia II. So that lead me to the Eris which is price right at $100, which give it a bonus there. So the Omnia II has 8gb of space and a microsd card slot, and it runs WM, which I am familiar with. However, the Eris has Android and possibly a better interface, not to mention upgrade ability is better on Android vs WM, i.e. I can upgrade the Eris to a newer version of Android, but with the Omnia II I am limited to WM6.5.x as the latest OS ans I am pretty sure it wont be WM7 compatible(?). I know the Omnia II comes with an AMOELD screen but is it really that much better than the Eris' screen? Any ideas/help would be cool. Thanks.
Last edited by battlemac; 11-20-2009 at 06:50 PM.