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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2009, 04:48 PM
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Touch Pro Similar Replacement?

What is the next phone "up or down" that would closest compare to the Touch Pro? (For Sprint)

I have been through literally 8 of these phones now, all except ONE being the phone's fault. Not mine.

My very first phone was PERFECT in every way, until it got ran over in the street. I ordered a replacement with Asurion and ever since then have needed 7 replacements of replacements for various issues whether it be:

Keyboard Stopped Working

Oil Slick/Water-Looking Stain under the screen

A keyboard number/letter sticking and not "clicking" when you press it causing all kinds of repeated letters/numbers just by tapping it...

None of the 3 reasons above were caused by my use of the phone, unless sweat and natural oil from your finger tips seeped into the screen, and I'm highly doubting that.

All of these have happened twice, on different phones, causing 2 $50 charges, and now with Asurion's new policy as of 4/19/09, $100 for this new I just ordered today... AND they said I no longer have the TEP on this phone because I've ordered too many. WTF? That'd be okay if I was seriously, purposely abusing the phone MYSELF. But they are phone defects, not my defects. And Asurion talks to me like I'm just having a great time ordering new phones every month. They were asking probing questions as if I'm working some sort of scam with their TEP. Christ, I don't have time to keep waiting on new phones, and always have had insurance on all my cell phones since like 2000 (with other cell companies) and never had to use them until I get a damn Sprint phone. So, WTFx2?

My question is, if the new one arriving on 5/12/09 has a flaw too, what's the next best phone on Sprint that compares as close as possible to the touch pro? Or am I gonna have to go with a Blackberry? Because Blackberry's seem pretty durable and problem-free. UGH!

I'm so pissed my first one messed up because of me, because none of these problems existed on that phone. It's almost as if the "new batch" of TP's have more physical defects than the one I bought back in 10/2008.

Serious question, though. Any suggestions?

Last edited by Merq; 05-10-2009 at 04:55 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2009, 04:55 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Similar Replacement?

Aside from the TP2. Another good one would be the Diamond+1 only thing is the missing keyboard. Or.....The mogul -1 . Going BB would probably be good except you'd be leaving the WM family "/

Good luck. BTW you should've taken the phone to a repair store and they may have replaced it free of charge due to manufacture defects. Asurion doesn't care what or how it happened they'll take your money.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2009, 05:03 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Similar Replacement?

Originally Posted by lilbitz_1018 View Post
Aside from the TP2. Another good one would be the Diamond+1 only thing is the missing keyboard. Or.....The mogul -1 . Going BB would probably be good except you'd be leaving the WM family "/

Good luck. BTW you should've taken the phone to a repair store and they may have replaced it free of charge due to manufacture defects. Asurion doesn't care what or how it happened they'll take your money.

Damn. I might try that if it's something minor on the new one coming in. And I can't do the diamond after having the touch pro... the no-keyboard would kill me. I've heard decent things about the Mogul, but also hear it'd be a huge downgrade. So in the worst case scenario so far, it's looking like a stupid BB. Lol. Ugh!

Has there been any word on a release date for the TP2?

Last edited by Merq; 05-10-2009 at 05:07 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2009, 05:23 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Similar Replacement?

What about the fairly new Treo Pro? It's windows mobile and touch screen and has a keyboard.

Just throwing out a suggestion for you. Sucks that you're having problems.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2009, 05:31 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Similar Replacement?

Yeah its easier for the store because they can verify whats wrong with it and many times if its simple they'll fix it and say "get the #$#% out my store" lol. and yes I'd die without a keyboard so the Diamond is a no go.
The mogul is a really good phone but it is a huge downgrade because of the lack of memory. [make BB a last resort] lol.

as far as release dates, I'm hearing and seeing a whole bunch of different things so imnot sure of the date myself.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2009, 06:09 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Similar Replacement?

Originally Posted by razorloves View Post
What about the fairly new Treo Pro? It's windows mobile and touch screen and has a keyboard.

Just throwing out a suggestion for you. Sucks that you're having problems.
Wow, not a bad looking phone. Thanks for the suggestion... suggestions are exactly what I'm looking for.

And to lilbitz_1018... thanks for your replies!

You guys rock on this forum. I'm glad I could vent about my sad story and not get negativity back. If this 5/12/09 TP I get fails, I'm going for the Treo Pro next.

"Thanked" both of ya.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2009, 01:31 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Similar Replacement?

Thank You also and good luck [=
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2009, 01:50 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Similar Replacement?

+1 on the whole taking it into the store for repairs...


Originally Posted by lilbitz_1018 View Post
Aside from the TP2. Another good one would be the Diamond+1 only thing is the missing keyboard. Or.....The mogul -1 . Going BB would probably be good except you'd be leaving the WM family "/

Good luck. BTW you should've taken the phone to a repair store and they may have replaced it free of charge due to manufacture defects. Asurion doesn't care what or how it happened they'll take your money.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2009, 09:20 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Similar Replacement?

My touch pro screen stopped working. When I called sprint to complain, they gave me 3 options (since I had TEP) 1. file claim with ausurian, 2.take to sprint store, or 3.have sprint send me a refurbished phone right away. I opted for 3, cause I didn't have time to go to store. They sent me a working refurbished phone, and a note saying they would reserve the right to charge me if the phone wasn't defective, or if I hadn't returned the phone in a certain amount of time.

So I sent the phone back right away, and have no new problems after a month.

Also, my wife had a touch without insurance. It took about 2.5 weeks for HTC to repair her screen, but they did it for free minus shipping to them.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2009, 11:15 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Similar Replacement?

Personally, I suspect you might have trouble with the Treo Pro. My wife had it for a little while, and although I thought it might have been perfect for her, it was a huge step down for me. The screen resolution's pretty bad when you're used to the Touch Pro, and the limited RAM is rather unpleasant. A lot of the creature comforts simply aren't there. It has its pluses, like a hardware ringer switch, but overall it's missing the polish and high-end nature of the Touch Pro. Also, my wife's was pretty buggy, with it constantly freezing after sending picture mail and other similar issues. And I don't think anyone's cracked it for custom ROMs yet.
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