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View Poll Results: BB Battery Life VS WinMo Battery Life
Blackberry still kicks the crap out of a Windows Mobile phone 18 29.03%
Windows Mobile phones have better battery life now 5 8.06%
They are about even 7 11.29%
Who the heck cares!! 32 51.61%
Voters: 62. You may not vote on this poll

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 04-17-2009, 12:41 AM
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Re: BB Battery Life VS WinMo Battery Life

Are you trying to compare ALL windows mobile? or Just HTC devices

Blackberry storm has about the same battery life as an Omnia does with very similar settings. Its really all about the model of phone and the size of the battery that comes with that model. HTC when it comes to battery has always lacked but samsung (with exception of 1760) generally had nice battery life aswell even with a touch screen.

I would say they are about even now but its SOOOO broad of a scale its hard to measure. I would say any Windows mobile would lose a battery war with anything thats a curve and back but with the bold and Storm (havent tested the new curve) they can appear to be the same with a WinMo running on general light settings...

Hope This Helps
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Old 04-17-2009, 12:49 AM
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Re: BB Battery Life VS WinMo Battery Life

i used to have the samsung ace from sprint and the battery out of that phone was gaerbage and the phone too....
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 04-17-2009, 06:53 AM
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Re: BB Battery Life VS WinMo Battery Life

Originally Posted by ca2l3vin View Post
Are you trying to compare ALL windows mobile? or Just HTC devices

Blackberry storm has about the same battery life as an Omnia does with very similar settings. Its really all about the model of phone and the size of the battery that comes with that model. HTC when it comes to battery has always lacked but samsung (with exception of 1760) generally had nice battery life aswell even with a touch screen.

I would say they are about even now but its SOOOO broad of a scale its hard to measure. I would say any Windows mobile would lose a battery war with anything thats a curve and back but with the bold and Storm (havent tested the new curve) they can appear to be the same with a WinMo running on general light settings...

Hope This Helps
Thanks for the input. Yeah, I know its hard to compare all of WinMo vs All of BB. I was really curious about the newer WinMo phones (HTCs, Omnia, etc) vs the new BB phones (Bold, Storm, etc).

Cool to know that an Omnia can run with a Storm =D>

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