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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2009, 08:51 AM
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Re: Blowing away a friend's Iphone

The reason the iPhone screen may be brighter is because the capacitive touch system doesn't block as much light as our resistive matrix touch. But as far as clear, we pack 640x480 into a 2.8" screen. The approximate DPI is 285. iPhone is around 165. It is bigger, but ours is incredibly detailed. And if you crank up the backlight, honestly, PLENTY bright.
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Old 04-10-2009, 08:53 AM
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Re: Blowing away a friend's Iphone

lol i pwn iphone with my keyboard

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2009, 08:53 AM
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Re: Blowing away a friend's Iphone

Originally Posted by piranah View Post
the iphony isnt common around here, but when i see somebody at school with one i just laugh. i was reading a forum somewhere and this guy went on to say how smartphones like the iphone are the superior technology and this and tha, and how the cost of a data plan more than pays for itself etc.
so i put him in his place. first that the iphone isnt a smartphone. second he has to pay more money to get copy/paste bluetooth and able to record video, third he is way overpaying for servic. i have unlimited data and talk for 100 a month, plus i can tether if i need to. you have to pay for any usable software, on the TP, 99% of stuff is free.
a nice graphical interface does not make up for a lack of functionality. make it shiny and sparkly and apple fans will buy it...wonder what would happen if i started to feed my dog quarters and take the outcome to an apple store- hey, its the same thing!

lol....feed my dog quarters and take the outcome to an apple store......priceless!!!!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2009, 08:54 AM
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Re: Blowing away a friend's Iphone

Originally Posted by kevm14 View Post
The reason the iPhone screen may be brighter is because the capacitive touch system doesn't block as much light as our resistive matrix touch. But as far as clear, we pack 640x480 into a 2.8" screen. The approximate DPI is 285. iPhone is around 165. It is bigger, but ours is incredibly detailed. And if you crank up the backlight, honestly, PLENTY bright.
+1 you should have jumped him on this
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2009, 09:34 AM
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Re: Blowing away a friend's Iphone

I love my Touch Pro but the iPhone does a lot of things better than our phones. Games are a big thing. WinMo games dont even come close to the games on the iPhone. And Safari is much more responive and smoother than anything on WinMo but it doesnt have flash. The thing about the iPhone that I love is how smooth everything is but I wouldnt get one (but I did buy a 2nd Gen iPod Touch) LOL i love my Touch Pro but u gotta admit that the iPhone does some nice things.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2009, 09:54 AM
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Re: Blowing away a friend's Iphone

Originally Posted by Fat Tony View Post
One thing I hate about Apple people is, they love to show off their device and how different they are. I'm special, I have an Apple product (I do too, just an Ipod, nothing else).

We're at a restaurant and he goes on to show off his 8GB Iphone. I whipe out my TP and pop out my 16GB card and tell him that I have 2 more 8GB cards in my laptop case.

He shows me how clear his screen is, I gotta give it to him. His screen was bigger, brighter and clearer.

I then pop out my battery and say I can get another one.

We compare apps. Cameras in low light, high light, sunlight, etc. Internet speed. Nav. TV. He had childish games, I had Resco brain games. I beat him in everything except screen size and clarity. Camera and video SMOKED him.

I can tether. Cracked/Hacked apps are easy for my phone. For his, he needs a jail break program (not easy).

Thanks to this site I was able to put a little Apple geek in his place.

He did have a louder ringer, earpiece and speaker. He can't BT to his Benz, and I could (thanks to JetWare) on the first try. "Dude, why would you spend so much on an inferior product?"

In short, just wanted to say thanks to everybody.
I hope it was just you and your friend at the table.

I'm just imagining the wives/girlfriends at the same table, while the two of you are debating who has the better toy...erm...I mean phone...

We shouldn't hate on the iPhone, you know? If it weren't for the iPhone, would we be seeing the competition we're seeing now? Would we have the same cool features/UIs/devices coming our way? I doubt it.

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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2009, 10:29 AM
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Re: Blowing away a friend's Iphone

Originally Posted by gmfeny View Post
I love my Touch Pro but the iPhone does a lot of things better than our phones. Games are a big thing. WinMo games dont even come close to the games on the iPhone. And Safari is much more responive and smoother than anything on WinMo but it doesnt have flash. The thing about the iPhone that I love is how smooth everything is but I wouldnt get one (but I did buy a 2nd Gen iPod Touch) LOL i love my Touch Pro but u gotta admit that the iPhone does some nice things.
Just download Iris from Torchmobile.com - it's the same browser as Safari...everything you laod looks all iPhony.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2009, 12:00 PM
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Re: Blowing away a friend's Iphone

Originally Posted by gmfeny View Post
I love my Touch Pro but the iPhone does a lot of things better than our phones. Games are a big thing. WinMo games dont even come close to the games on the iPhone. And Safari is much more responive and smoother than anything on WinMo but it doesnt have flash. The thing about the iPhone that I love is how smooth everything is but I wouldnt get one (but I did buy a 2nd Gen iPod Touch) LOL i love my Touch Pro but u gotta admit that the iPhone does some nice things.
Try Iris. It seems slick like Opera (nice fonts, G-sensor-aware, decent scrolling) but also seems more efficient. And it's free.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2009, 12:29 PM
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Re: Blowing away a friend's Iphone

These kind of comparisons are silly.

I love my TP, but my ipod touch blows it away in a few areas. I always use the touch with its big beautiful highly responsive screen for internet browsing (using WMwifirouter), Safari is hands down better than anything WinMo has to offer.

The other thing is, I can actually use the touch outside in direct sun where the TP is virtually useless.

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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2009, 01:27 PM
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Re: Blowing away a friend's Iphone

Originally Posted by racemepls View Post
wow you guys compared ringers lol. that got pretty in depth

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