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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 07:43 AM
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Re: think i am going back to att and the iphone

Originally Posted by GREY.FOXX View Post
I never understood why people make threads like this, it completely blows my mind. Like anyone on here cares what you are going to do. If you are going to go non-winmo knock yourself out but please do not make a announcement about it.

1) No one really cares.
2) Its waste of space on our forums.

Not trying to be rude but come on now.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 08:31 AM
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Re: think i am going back to att and the iphone

I'm going to wait for the palm pre its better in every way. and why when somebody say there going to get the IPhone everyone just gets mad just face it the Iphone is better but not by that much the fact is htc don't help us with our phones like apple do with Iphone. come on guys there's somethings you see the Iphone do and you come back here to see if your phone can get that app for your phone. its like we are trying to keep up with the Iphone and we don't get any help from htc all they worry about is making new phones so we can pay for the samething over and over again look at the tp and the tp2. don't you guys no that your about to buy the same phone theres no big difference in the tp2 and htc knows that they put a bigger screen now you are about to pay almost $700 for a screen thats crazy. now look at the Iphone and the Iphone3g look there's a big diff between them. but like said I'm waiting on the palm pre aka the Iphone killer
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 08:36 AM
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Re: think i am going back to att and the iphone

hey darren, how about hitting him up with that htc pm lol!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 08:43 AM
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Re: think i am going back to att and the iphone

good luck friend. i wouldnt wanna pay money for an app that makes my phone show boobs and uses the gsen to make them bounce.
AT&T Touch Pro using RRE ROM
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 08:44 AM
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Re: think i am going back to att and the iphone

As it has been said, to each there own.
I am not gonna say the iPhone is a bad and horrible phone, because it actually isn't, but it's just not for me, I prefer WinMo devices cause, well first I know the WinMo OS (have had a pocket PC of some sort since 2000-2001 time frame, and I like the ease of customization that can be done with it.

But also as grey.foxx stated, why post an anouncement about going to the iPhone on a PPC forum....oh well.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 09:09 AM
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Re: think i am going back to att and the iphone

Damn 2000-2001 like barack obama said it's time for a change....lol
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 11:10 AM
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Re: think i am going back to att and the iphone

Originally Posted by Roustermiller View Post
I'm going to wait for the palm pre its better in every way. and why when somebody say there going to get the IPhone everyone just gets mad just face it the Iphone is better but not by that much the fact is htc don't help us with our phones like apple do with Iphone. come on guys there's somethings you see the Iphone do and you come back here to see if your phone can get that app for your phone. its like we are trying to keep up with the Iphone and we don't get any help from htc all they worry about is making new phones so we can pay for the samething over and over again look at the tp and the tp2. don't you guys no that your about to buy the same phone theres no big difference in the tp2 and htc knows that they put a bigger screen now you are about to pay almost $700 for a screen thats crazy. now look at the Iphone and the Iphone3g look there's a big diff between them. but like said I'm waiting on the palm pre aka the Iphone killer
The Iphone and Iphone 3G was really the same phone except that it offered 3G and GPS. Most of the differences from the original iPhone compared to what they have now (as far as I can tell) is OS/software upgrade. But seriously, taking them this long to implement things like copy/paste, and finally having videos surfacing on video recording, how is the iPhone "that much better" than the pro. How is running only one application at a time "that much better" than the touch pro?

Yeah, there are some things that the iPhone can do, but there are a lot of things the Touch Pro can do that the iPhone can't. Better really is relative to the user. Maybe there are more programs on the iPhone, especially centralized, but I don't attribute that to the iPhone being better. It's just the apple brand that has made more consumers aware of smartphones/pdas. When you have an explosion of users, and more developers, you'll have more ideas, and more people implementing them. That leads to, "hey, that's kind of cool, we should put it on our phones because it could be useful, or fun." That doesn't detract from the developers here and on xda-dev.

And anyways, I could careless for probably 98% of the applications in the itunes store anyways. As for the Pre, nobody knows how that phone will turn out, especially the applications that you'll probably be wanting/seeking. Getting that phone early will probably put you back at square one until either the development community happens, or it fizzles out and people come crawling back to winmo, move to android, or go with apple.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 11:11 AM
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Re: think i am going back to att and the iphone

sorry, double post.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 11:16 AM
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Re: think i am going back to att and the iphone


the only way i would use an iphone was if it was jailbroken and I could use it on sprint, even then I'd be upset that I couldn't run half the stuff on the iphone that I could on a WM phone. I wouldn't want to deal with AT&Ts sorry excuse for 3G and pay 90$ for it.

Last edited by Darkjedi; 04-08-2009 at 11:19 AM.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 11:16 AM
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Re: think i am going back to att and the iphone

Originally Posted by Roustermiller View Post
I'm going to wait for the palm pre its better in every way. and why when somebody say there going to get the IPhone everyone just gets mad just face it the Iphone is better but not by that much the fact is htc don't help us with our phones like apple do with Iphone. come on guys there's somethings you see the Iphone do and you come back here to see if your phone can get that app for your phone. its like we are trying to keep up with the Iphone and we don't get any help from htc all they worry about is making new phones so we can pay for the samething over and over again look at the tp and the tp2. don't you guys no that your about to buy the same phone theres no big difference in the tp2 and htc knows that they put a bigger screen now you are about to pay almost $700 for a screen thats crazy. now look at the Iphone and the Iphone3g look there's a big diff between them. but like said I'm waiting on the palm pre aka the Iphone killer

I too will be waiting for the pre. Intend on trading my other Pro out with it. It looks awesome. by the way didnt Sprint just start their 4G?


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Last edited by WarChild; 04-08-2009 at 11:19 AM.
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