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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 05:15 AM
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Re: Should I get the TP or wait for the TP2?

So sprint says I'm able to have an equipment upgrade credit of $150 because I've had my current phone for 2 or more years (2.85). My apache is my current phone, but I have two moguls (one from ebay and one from a friend) ready to take it's place. If I activated one of the moguls to replace or upgrade my apache, will that reset the time counter on my equipment? Basically will my current $150 credit reset to zero even though I didn't buy a new phone from Sprint? You think they'll charge me an activation fee? Even worse, do you think that will sign me onto a new 2 year contract? I'm way out of contract right now.
Sprint 6700 - main
1 Sprint Mogul (6800) working unit for the lady
1 Sprint Mogul (6800) flakey as heck unit - build tester
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 09:10 AM
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Re: Should I get the TP or wait for the TP2?

Originally Posted by 6700noobie View Post
I'm gonna wait for a snapdragon equipped phone with an WVGA OLED screen and 5 MP camera. Come on HTC! Why limit the 5 MP for the D2....give it to the TP2 also!
Even the Samsung Omnia has a 5mp cam and it looks A LOT better than the ones the 6800/6850 has.

Originally Posted by nelly04 View Post
Id get the pro now! DO IT!!!!!!!
<DING> <DING> Wrong answer. Why upgrade now when you know a newer model is on the way.

Originally Posted by 6700noobie View Post
So sprint says I'm able to have an equipment upgrade credit of $150 because I've had my current phone for 2 or more years (2.85). My apache is my current phone, but I have two moguls (one from ebay and one from a friend) ready to take it's place. If I activated one of the moguls to replace or upgrade my apache, will that reset the time counter on my equipment? Basically will my current $150 credit reset to zero even though I didn't buy a new phone from Sprint? You think they'll charge me an activation fee? Even worse, do you think that will sign me onto a new 2 year contract? I'm way out of contract right now.
It should not because you did not get the device from Sprint and they cannot lock you back into another contract if you are bringing your own device. They lock you into a contract normally because you get a device from them at thier so called contract discounted price.
Loving my rooted Droid X
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 04:34 PM
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Re: Should I get the TP or wait for the TP2?

Thanks! Yeah I didn't think they could do it, but maybe I was missing some "fine" print. I've never had really horrible Sprint CSR like some other people I know and read about. But I could see this as a setup to a nightmare. Haha....8|....

Yeah the omnia is out, but it's samsung with their, proprietary connectors and the fact that it's not on Sprint. Verizon is just way too expensive for me. My wife's on SERO and I'm on a grandfathered 10 year old plan. Everyone I ask in the mobile industry is like "woah! don't leave!" and that's coming from folks at Tmobile. Anyhow, I've been lucky not to have to deal with CSR much and when I do, they've been excellent. Must have lucked out and gotten the good reps. They aren't all that bad. :P
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