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  #221 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2008, 06:09 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
U neve mod something to make something work on ur phone? So what the hell forums is about?
You act as if it is standard when you gotta go out of your way to do it when it is a function I could get on a free phone.

  #222 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2008, 06:09 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

Originally Posted by hibby50 View Post
jethro, out of all the people here i can't believe you are supporting the iphone and bashing the pro?
read all the post and tell me where I bashed the pro? I bashed the one that use the TP and bash the other phone for no reason. It's the person I bash little boy. Not WM.
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  #223 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2008, 06:10 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

Let's just stop I don't wanna get any further into this.
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  #224 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2008, 06:11 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

It's spelled "You're" and coming from someone who wishes to blow steve jobs, your insults mean nothing whatsoever.

I've said all along the iphone is great, but for someone who's trying to decide if its worth the extra cost to not only get out of their current providor, but to spend extra each month for the service, and not to mention spend extra on apps that are free on windows mobile, it's not practical.

All you do is peg people so you can make it sound like their argument is for something completely different. The first poster wanted to know if it was worth it, my opinion is, it ISNT. Your opinion is, the iphone is God's gift to man and nothing comes close.
  #225 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2008, 06:12 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

Originally Posted by hibby50 View Post
You act as if it is standard when you gotta go out of your way to do it when it is a function I could get on a free phone.
If U do not make any mod on ur phone. What can it do? That is the purpose of forums. developing devices. Wether a function shpould be there or not. If it's there, then it's good. if it's not, then mod it. Like we all do.
  #226 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2008, 06:15 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
If U do not make any mod on ur phone. What can it do? That is the purpose of forums. developing devices. Wether a function shpould be there or not. If it's there, then it's good. if it's not, then mod it. Like we all do.
Yes but what about making the phone unstable when you jailbreak it and install those apps? Someone's already mentioned that it's the reason they came from the iphone.

If the iphone had an easily removable battery, jailbreaking wouldn't be such an issue because the minute your phone locks up its in and out and back on.
  #227 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2008, 06:15 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

Originally Posted by chronster View Post
It's spelled "You're" and coming from someone who wishes to blow steve jobs, your insults mean nothing whatsoever.

I've said all along the iphone is great, but for someone who's trying to decide if its worth the extra cost to not only get out of their current providor, but to spend extra each month for the service, and not to mention spend extra on apps that are free on windows mobile, it's not practical.

All you do is peg people so you can make it sound like their argument is for something completely different. The first poster wanted to know if it was worth it, my opinion is, it ISNT. Your opinion is, the iphone is God's gift to man and if you don't own one you must be a WM newbie douche stuck in a cave. Typical mac user.
So U see my insult and U did not see u've been calling me names ever since huh. U know what. What U say does not matter coz It does not make sense. U r trying so hard to make me look like I an trying to destroy WM. So U will have sympathy from all our fellow WM users here. U wan't sympathy? do something useful. Ignore iphone thread. Make ur rep high. then I will sympatize u.
  #228 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2008, 06:16 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

Originally Posted by chronster View Post
Yes but what about making the phone unstable when you jailbreak it and install those apps? Someone's already mentioned that it's the reason they came from the iphone.

If the iphone had an easily removable battery, jailbreaking wouldn't be such an issue because the minute your phone locks up its in and out and back on.
1 persons claim does not mean everyone is sufferring from the same thing. Use ur common sense. It will help a lot.
  #229 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2008, 06:20 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

Hey, I just find it ironic that someone like you calls someone else a moron, that's all.

Just get back on subject. No more name calling. It's all opinion and I've stated my opinion. I've never said the iphone was crap but you definitely have made it sound like wm is.
  #230 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2008, 06:22 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

Ok, so lets say not everyone has an unstable phone after a jailbreak. Is it worth the risk? Is it worth it for me to say, ok here's 200 bucks sprint, see ya, then turn arround and spend ANOTHER 200, then an extra 30 a month, all so i can jailbreak my phone and have it lock up on me when I'm away from a computer? It's not worth the risk.

As a phone, a stable phone, the iphone is great for someone like my mom. For me, my touch pro is better. I need complexity, I'm a geek.
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