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Old 11-20-2008, 01:54 PM
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Question Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

Stopped by the Apple store while I was at the mall yesterday and played around with the iPhone for a while. I know everyone here is an iPhone hater but I have to say I was very impressed. The touch screen much more responsive and internet pages are rendered a lot more quickly. And of course the screen is a lot more impressive (even with the lower resolution, can't beat size).

I know the plans are more expensive, can't customize as much, and blah blah blah. I'm wondering who has one or came from one has to say about the phone. I don't want to hear from people who have just played around with one or knows someone with one. I'm wondering what regrets I would have if I switched to the iPhone.

2 possible deal breakers for me would be Slingbox and Pushmail. I've seen a youtube video of the iphone slinging, but is this 'hack' readily available like custom ROMS are for the touch pros? And I'm guessing push mail is probably available but just wanted someone to confirm it.

What other regrets would I have?

Last edited by eptd; 11-20-2008 at 01:55 PM. Reason: typo
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2008, 01:57 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

Why use slingbox when there is orb?

I may switch. Doesn't get hot!

No flash on camera

You could probably sell on eBay for what you paid even with $175 cancel fee, if you don't like it.

This will get moved to "off topic" though

Last edited by jimd144; 11-20-2008 at 02:01 PM.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2008, 02:01 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

If you use exchange on your phone, be prepared for some wonky *** strange stuff like e-mail stops coming in until you restart the phone or disable some features and even then it doesn't always work.

At my work we have about 30 iphone users and in the past month I have met with half of them to delete and re-add their exchange account because of strange stuff like that. That made me realize I could never live with an iPhone. It would drive me nuts!
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2008, 02:02 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

Originally Posted by eptd View Post
Stopped by the Apple store while I was at the mall yesterday and played around with the iPhone for a while. I know everyone here is an iPhone hater but I have to say I was very impressed. The touch screen much more responsive and internet pages are rendered a lot more quickly. And of course the screen is a lot more impressive (even with the lower resolution, can't beat size).

I know the plans are more expensive, can't customize as much, and blah blah blah. I'm wondering who has one or came from one has to say about the phone. I don't want to hear from people who have just played around with one or knows someone with one. I'm wondering what regrets I would have if I switched to the iPhone.

2 possible deal breakers for me would be Slingbox and Pushmail. I've seen a youtube video of the iphone slinging, but is this 'hack' readily available like custom ROMS are for the touch pros? And I'm guessing push mail is probably available but just wanted someone to confirm it.

What other regrets would I have?
I currently have an iPhone with my other business account as well as a Touch Pro. The iPhone is absolutley ,in my opinion, the best Touch screen device on the market. Having said that it has it's shortcomings and I prefer my TP for day to day tasks and use. Comparing the two is truely comparing Apples to Oranges as the both a very good at certain things and they both have downfalls. What are the everyday things that you want to do with any phone/device you purchase and what can you live without?
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2008, 02:03 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

<watches and waits as the iPhone hating begins>

Just as a commentary....the web pages may have rendered faster on the iphone in the AT&T store...but outside in the real world.....Sprints network is faster
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Old 11-20-2008, 02:04 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

big one: If the phone is lost, stolen, broken, needed to be replaced in any way, there is no insurance so you have to pay the full price of the phone.

I think best buy has a replacement plan for 15 bucks a month though...
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Old 11-20-2008, 02:08 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

I had an iphone
and I sold it fast for a lot of reasons
1. hardware keyboard - it didn't exist
2. copy and paste
3. I can't customize it even with a jailbreak
4. audio/video support formats (TCMPC does a lot better and its free with support of ALL application)
5. No office support and I need office in some way, shape, or form

ultimately, the deal breaker for me is this - the iphone is simple, but its far too simple even for me in that I'm almost stuck with what apple wants me to do with a device. Windows mobile has its flaws, but I am not stuck with regards to what I need to do on the daily basis. If I want an application to watch movies (and not spend time converting the file to apple friendly formats) and still use my office and IM for school and work, I can do that with winmo. I can't do that with the iphone. The battery life is okay, better than my mogul, but when using data intensive applications, battery is out in about 4 hours where my touch pro can chug out about 6 hours on data.

As far as browser is concerned, skyfire is the fastest mobile browser I have seen (barring from opera mini). If you think I am a windows mobile fanboy, in part I am. I truly am. but in the larger scheme of things apple has a good product for I hate to say it but it is a good products for idiots. A person that never held a pocket pc or something but wants what a pocket pc offers in a fashionable light. Stick with windows in essence
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2008, 02:11 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

Originally Posted by Noir View Post
I had an iphone
and I sold it fast for a lot of reasons
1. hardware keyboard - it didn't exist
2. copy and paste
3. I can't customize it even with a jailbreak
4. audio/video support formats (TCMPC does a lot better and its free with support of ALL application)
5. No office support and I need office in some way, shape, or form

ultimately, the deal breaker for me is this - the iphone is simple, but its far too simple even for me in that I'm almost stuck with what apple wants me to do with a device. Windows mobile has its flaws, but I am not stuck with regards to what I need to do on the daily basis. If I want an application to watch movies (and not spend time converting the file to apple friendly formats) and still use my office and IM for school and work, I can do that with winmo. I can't do that with the iphone. The battery life is okay, better than my mogul, but when using data intensive applications, battery is out in about 4 hours where my touch pro can chug out about 6 hours on data.

As far as browser is concerned, skyfire is the fastest mobile browser I have seen (barring from opera mini). If you think I am a windows mobile fanboy, in part I am. I truly am. but in the larger scheme of things apple has a good product for I hate to say it but it is a good products for idiots. A person that never held a pocket pc or something but wants what a pocket pc offers in a fashionable light. Stick with windows in essence
Excellent points. The iPhone is way more intuitive for the average user coming from a regular cell. My Dad is 63 and severely tech challenged and he has no problem with the iPhone but can't begin to use my TP for anything other than calls. It's very funny to watch.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2008, 02:20 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

and apple markets that
in spades!
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2008, 02:28 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

Originally Posted by sikclown View Post
I currently have an iPhone with my other business account as well as a Touch Pro. The iPhone is absolutley ,in my opinion, the best Touch screen device on the market. Having said that it has it's shortcomings and I prefer my TP for day to day tasks and use. Comparing the two is truely comparing Apples to Oranges as the both a very good at certain things and they both have downfalls. What are the everyday things that you want to do with any phone/device you purchase and what can you live without?
Besides using the phone of course, I do a lot of email, and I use the internet a lot. I watch a lot of video but it's not necessary. Just like to grab a nice couch at the mall when the wife's shopping. lol.

I thought I would need a hard keyboard but the iphone keyboard works pretty well. A lot better than the touch pro on screen keyboard.
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