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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-02-2008, 10:13 AM
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Sprint Diamond vs. Touch Pro

This may have been posted before but after a half hour searching I cannot find it:

I am trying to decide between upgrading to the Pro or Diamond (currently the Mogul on SERO) I am trying to correlate the exact differences before making my decision, so far this is what I have come up with:

Pro's Pros:
Pro has slide out keyboard
Video Out
256 MB more ROM (i may be wrong here)
96 MB more RAM (i may be wrong here)
Camera Flash
Micro SD Slot

Pro's Cons

What am I missing here...need your help to decide...decisions...decisions.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-02-2008, 10:19 AM
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Re: Sprint Diamond vs. Touch Pro

Originally Posted by vincemas View Post
This may have been posted before but after a half hour searching I cannot find it:

I am trying to decide between upgrading to the Pro or Diamond (currently the Mogul on SERO) I am trying to correlate the exact differences before making my decision, so far this is what I have come up with:

Pro's Pros:
Pro has slide out keyboard
Video Out
256 MB more ROM (i may be wrong here)
96 MB more RAM (i may be wrong here)
Camera Flash
Micro SD Slot

Pro's Cons

What am I missing here...need your help to decide...decisions...decisions.

More Money? not that it is going to stop me changing from the diamond to the pro but it will be 50$ more and also you will have to purchase A SD card or Cards to replace the 4 gig you get with the diamond.

Smaller? as you said some like the smaller size.

Lastly well the keyboard Touchpal to me is very easy to use and i have never used a slide out keyboard before so i hope i can get use to it.

Well i did read that the Slide out Keyboard has some play i hope that is not a problem.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-02-2008, 10:20 AM
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Re: Sprint Diamond vs. Touch Pro

Ram is the same on both models(on the cdma versions), everything else you listed is correct in addition to the diamond having internal 4gb memory with no sd card slot. As far as what you want its really up to you. You gotta ask yourself how important the microsd card slot is and the keyboard and of course the size difference. For me, I am going to end up getting both phones but my main phone will be the pro since I gotta have the card slot and keyboard.

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Old 10-02-2008, 12:38 PM
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Re: Sprint Diamond vs. Touch Pro

Originally Posted by themuffinman View Post
Ram is the same on both models(on the cdma versions), everything else you listed is correct in addition to the diamond having internal 4gb memory with no sd card slot. As far as what you want its really up to you. You gotta ask yourself how important the microsd card slot is and the keyboard and of course the size difference. For me, I am going to end up getting both phones but my main phone will be the pro since I gotta have the card slot and keyboard.
I'm thinking I want to wait for these to come out in stores (now looking like November) so I can see them and actually feel the size difference.....right now I'm leaning towards the Diamond. I want something I can fit into my pocket, My Mogul is just too bulky for me and I feel the Pro will follow that trend.

Maybe I'll download the Diamond keyboard and also Touchpal and see if I can get along without the slide out keyboard for the next month.

Thanks for the replies
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 10-02-2008, 12:46 PM
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Re: Sprint Diamond vs. Touch Pro

Originally Posted by vincemas View Post
This may have been posted before but after a half hour searching I cannot find it:

I am trying to decide between upgrading to the Pro or Diamond (currently the Mogul on SERO) I am trying to correlate the exact differences before making my decision, so far this is what I have come up with:

Pro's Pros:
Pro has slide out keyboard
Video Out
256 MB more ROM (i may be wrong here)
96 MB more RAM (i may be wrong here)
Camera Flash
Micro SD Slot

Pro's Cons

What am I missing here...need your help to decide...decisions...decisions.
Why is it considered a "con" for a phone being heavier? I actually consider that a Pro (no pun intended). It's only thicker by .1mm for the cdma versions.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 10-02-2008, 01:04 PM
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Re: Sprint Diamond vs. Touch Pro

You know what guys?

I'm 37 years old, and have been an IT guy for the last 10 years - admittingly I wanted the Diamond Pro because of the keyboard. I've learned that I'm a 'hands on' kind of guy, but guess what? Due to the fact I'm in Canada, and couldn't wait - took the plunge after my HTC 6700 was retired, I went for the Touch Diamond!

I braced myself having no keyboard, but guess what? I dig it. I can use the onscreen full QWERTY keyboard, and still do what I need to do. Also I've learned that with more advancing technology coming out, soon everything with a 'screen' will be touch-ready.

So it's my suggestion that we'd get used to using technology with no keyboard or mouse. Ask yourselves this: what is mobile technology doing for the public? Teaching them new skills by navigating their devices with no need for keyboards or mouse. I strongly suggest we 'IT/computer geeks' learn to do without the keyboard.

So far, I have no need for a keyboard. I can do remote jobs, navigate using the on-screen QWERTY keyboard (hated it before on the 6700, ALWAYS used the keyboard), and again - I'm digging it.

Fellas - if I can do without, so can you.

Teach yourselves a new trick - go keyboard-less! w00t!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 10-02-2008, 01:29 PM
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Re: Sprint Diamond vs. Touch Pro

Originally Posted by Azrael View Post
You know what guys?

I'm 37 years old, and have been an IT guy for the last 10 years - admittingly I wanted the Diamond Pro because of the keyboard. I've learned that I'm a 'hands on' kind of guy, but guess what? Due to the fact I'm in Canada, and couldn't wait - took the plunge after my HTC 6700 was retired, I went for the Touch Diamond!

I braced myself having no keyboard, but guess what? I dig it. I can use the onscreen full QWERTY keyboard, and still do what I need to do. Also I've learned that with more advancing technology coming out, soon everything with a 'screen' will be touch-ready.

So it's my suggestion that we'd get used to using technology with no keyboard or mouse. Ask yourselves this: what is mobile technology doing for the public? Teaching them new skills by navigating their devices with no need for keyboards or mouse. I strongly suggest we 'IT/computer geeks' learn to do without the keyboard.

So far, I have no need for a keyboard. I can do remote jobs, navigate using the on-screen QWERTY keyboard (hated it before on the 6700, ALWAYS used the keyboard), and again - I'm digging it.

Fellas - if I can do without, so can you.

Teach yourselves a new trick - go keyboard-less! w00t!
I understand what you're saying and technology is definitely advancing at a more rapid pace in the new millenium. Thing is, there will always have to be some sort of phone with a hard keyboard (think of those that are blind).

My thing regarding the keyboard is I can feel when I've made a mistake vs. using a onscreen keyboard and not having to look at the keys to make sure I don't make a mistake. That saves me time and time=money. Just my perspective.
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Old 10-02-2008, 01:29 PM
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Re: Sprint Diamond vs. Touch Pro

Its more of a matter of what you perfer, I also have the mogul and I am upgrading the to touch pro, The reason I am not selecting the diamond is due to it does not have a SD slot, and that is something I require for my work enviroment. The keyboard I can live with out in a way but not in some cases so again it comes down as a requirement, Plus the memory upgrade in the pro is nice feature. Hope that helps
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 10-02-2008, 01:46 PM
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Re: Sprint Diamond vs. Touch Pro

Originally Posted by Azrael View Post
I strongly suggest we 'IT/computer geeks' learn to do without the keyboard.
Those would be considered "fightin words" with about 80% or my IT/nerd friends. Mosts geeks (that I know) pride themselves on their ability to function (sometimes better) with a keyboard alone.

IMO, I feel a software-based input system puts an unnecessary load on a device. I personally love the integration trend technology is undergoing, but I still feel that peripherals are a much more practical method of in/output than total integration... one reason I can't stand working on tablets.
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Old 10-02-2008, 02:29 PM
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Re: Sprint Diamond vs. Touch Pro

Originally Posted by Azrael View Post
You know what guys?

I'm 37 years old, and have been an IT guy for the last 10 years - admittingly I wanted the Diamond Pro because of the keyboard. I've learned that I'm a 'hands on' kind of guy, but guess what? Due to the fact I'm in Canada, and couldn't wait - took the plunge after my HTC 6700 was retired, I went for the Touch Diamond!

I braced myself having no keyboard, but guess what? I dig it. I can use the onscreen full QWERTY keyboard, and still do what I need to do. Also I've learned that with more advancing technology coming out, soon everything with a 'screen' will be touch-ready.

So it's my suggestion that we'd get used to using technology with no keyboard or mouse. Ask yourselves this: what is mobile technology doing for the public? Teaching them new skills by navigating their devices with no need for keyboards or mouse. I strongly suggest we 'IT/computer geeks' learn to do without the keyboard.

So far, I have no need for a keyboard. I can do remote jobs, navigate using the on-screen QWERTY keyboard (hated it before on the 6700, ALWAYS used the keyboard), and again - I'm digging it.

Fellas - if I can do without, so can you.

Teach yourselves a new trick - go keyboard-less! w00t!
I agree with you, when I swapped out my Mogul for the Touch I thought I was gonna hate it but I didn't. I'm pretty fast without the keyboard now. But, as said earlier in this thread, not having a microSD slot is a killer for the Diamond, if it had one I'd probably have a Diamond right now. I've got a 8GB card that I got for $25 a few weeks ago, so when I get my Pro I'll already have more memory on it than the Diamond. Which is a big deal for me cause I listen to music all the time on my touch (actually listening to it right now). Plus soon the 16GB cards will be just as cheap. Then the 32GB cards will follow. And I'll get each one when they are less than $40 each.

I think it'll be nice having a real keyboard again though. Plus wifi will be awesome for my classes in some of the buildings on campus that I don't get reception.
Mogul>Touch>Touch Pro>Droid
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