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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2008, 01:29 PM
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Re: PPC 6800 or the Touch?

Originally Posted by jpc0480 View Post
That's what I wanted to know... Everyone else on here is giving me opinions and not hard facts. My post was to find out why people would stick with the 6800 or the Touch and all I was getting was the how awesome it was... I thought forums were a community of users designed to help each other out? Guess not, it's all about how many posts you have. So instead of providing me with useful information, I get so someone can get one more tick mark on the stats. Why waste my time and why waste the space on the server? Thanks man, finally a real answer.
Hmmm attitude from a new poster... Hmmm.

You want facts?

Fact: You are posting a new thread ... that has been discussed OVER and OVER and OVER Again. (did you even bother to search first? You are the ONE wasting space on the server... Your question has been asked over and over before.)

Fact: There are currently 3 active threads in the "Phone comparison" forum about the same topic.

Fact: All the information is there.

Fact: Just go there and check it out

Fact: The thread should be closed or merged.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2008, 01:51 PM
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Re: PPC 6800 or the Touch?

Originally Posted by x10guy View Post
Hmmm attitude from a new poster... Hmmm.

You want facts?
@ Original Poster

Perhaps you should have searched more, or provided more details in your OP

Case in point:

Originally Posted by jpc0480 View Post
I just recently purchased a 6800 and am not sure if I want to stick with it... What does everyone know about the Touch and 6800? Pro's / Con's? I understand the Touch doesn't have a keyboard, but my 6800 doesn't have much ram and freezes up a bit... Not quite sure what to do... If someone knows of a reg hack to be able to use the sd card for more ram or another way, please let me know as this is really the only downside I see to the 6800.
Seems to me like this is just another random post, the start of new thread that's not needed, asking the same questions that have been covered. NOT TO MENTION that your OP does NOT ask for facts - and ... oh screw it, i'm done...

Originally Posted by Success100 View Post
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2008, 05:03 PM
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Talking Re: PPC 6800 or the Touch?

If you have the 6800 then you are in the best phone possible out of the 6800 or the 6900. The 6800 with the new rom update is windows 6.1 which has the GPS and sprint TV that work on it. not to mention the WIFI support. and the slideout keyboard is a definate bonus that the other phone doesnt have. Oh and did I mention thatit is Windows 6.1??? The intergration with the PPC 6800 is very well and the phone is basically a micro computer station. I say you made the best choice of a lifetime... Untill the HTC Diamond comes out BUG free....
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