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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2008, 10:56 AM
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6700 vs 6800

I searched but haven't found anything directly addressing this question.

Simply put, I have a 6700 with WM6 thanks to Helmi, and I'm considering upgrading to the 6800. Any reason to do so besides Rev A?

How about the custom ROMs? Are they as stable as the 6700, or still in their infancy?

Any reason NOT to upgrade?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2008, 11:02 AM
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Re: 6700 vs 6800

Does the 6700 have GPS?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2008, 11:04 AM
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Re: 6700 vs 6800

the 6700 i believe does not have gps... the 6700 is a little more stable some people claim
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2008, 11:30 AM
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Re: 6700 vs 6800

The 6700 Does not have GPS. I'm concerned about stability as well.

I just read a review/comparison. I'm not a fan of the memory card being on the bottom, or the fact that YET AGAIN I have to purchase a new SD card now that we're using Micro on the 6800. THe stylus storage on the bottom bugs me as well. But again, I read that it's held in very well. The extra buttons seem to be nice. We'll see. Not being able to use the jog dial for volume on the Today screen is irritating, too.

All these cons make me think that I won't like it. But on the flip side, I want the faster broadband and I like the brighter screen.

I did have a question about the keyboard. At night, you can't see the red icons on the keys as they don't light up. Do the blue icons (the shifted characters) light up on the 6800?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2008, 11:49 AM
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Re: 6700 vs 6800

I was in the same boat 2 months ago. I made the jump and here is what I learned.

1. The new memory card is a pain which adds to the initial cost. But it's just a one time cost and MicroSD cards are pretty cheap nowadays. The slot on the bottom doesn't really bother me because I rarely take the card out.

2. The IR on the 6800 is different and therefore programs like Nuvii Remote won't work (I really do miss that program)

3. The screen is better on the 6800 and so is the keyboard. The 6800 has lights that indicate Function and Caps lock.

4. GPS. That's probably the biggest reason I upgraded. It really expands the usefulness of the phone with the built-in GPS.

5. Upgradeability - the 6800 was a snap simply because it's been around longer. There are a few more steps involved but the 6800 isn't too bad. Now that there is a kitchen available, it's almost as simple as the 6700. (esp if you are with Sprint. )

6. Stability - The 6700 was probably a bit more stable universally. But individually I haven't had that many problems with my Mogul. Perhaps it's because there are more options/programs available. Just do your research and don't go crazy loading up with everything.

7. The Internet speed, Rev. A is noticeable. That is probably the second biggest reason I upgraded.

8. Size. The mogul is smaller and fits nicer in the hand.

9. Miscellaneous: I do miss the USB cradle that was included with the 6700 (but you can buy and aftermarket one). CORRECTION - 6700 does come with a Cradle.
The headphone implementation on the Mogul is a downer (requires an adapter which has soem problems)...But if you use BT headphones it's not an issue.

Hope this helps.

Last edited by x10guy; 03-31-2008 at 11:21 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2008, 11:57 AM
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Re: 6700 vs 6800

Helps a lot. Thank you my friend. All things to consider.

I have three cradles. It's disappointing that it doesn't come with one. I like having one wherever I'm spending extended periods of time.

I have a 6800 coming this week for one of my users. I'll check it out and hopefully that will help me decide.

Thanks again!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2008, 12:01 PM
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Re: 6700 vs 6800

Yes, the shifted (and un-shifted) characters light up on the 6800.

I have a 6700 with WM 6.1 (I have loved this phone more than any other i have ever owned )and a 6800 with WM 6.1(I am learning to love it...). The 6800 is more compact, solidly constructed, and feature rich than the 6700. The 6700 with it's 416Mhz XScale is MUCH faster than the 6800. How much of that is hardware vs software optimizations, i don't know. I do know that the 6700 was very buggy when i got it. It was slow, unstable, and generally disappointing. Even the first few custom ROMs out there were pretty lousy compared to what we have now.
That all being said, I think the same road is ahead for the 6800. Right now very little if anything is optimized for it. Once we become more familiar with its inner workings i hope this will change.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2008, 12:10 PM
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Re: 6700 vs 6800

Originally Posted by x10guy View Post
I was in the same boat 2 months ago. I made the jump and here is what I learned.

9. Miscellaneous: I do miss the USB cradle that was included with the 6700 (but you can buy and aftermarket one). The headphone implemenation on the Mogul is a downer (requires an adapter which has soem problems)...But if you use BT headphones it's not an issue.

Hope this helps.

your 6800 didnt come with a usb cradle? or was the 6700's cradle just better? my 6800 came with a docking cradle so im just a little confused.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2008, 12:23 PM
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Re: 6700 vs 6800

My 6800 also came with a docking cradle that looks about like the one for the 6700.

My wife has a 6700 that was a freebie when my dad upgraded to a 6800. I have a 6800, so I have used both of them side by side. Personally, unless you are in a Reva areas or just really need the GPS, I would stick with the 6700. The keyboard keys are bigger and, to me, easier to use. I like the stylus on the 6700 better because it is longer and easier to use (does not feel cramped). What really makes the 6700 shine is all the software/hacks available for it.

In another 6 months when there has been more development on the 6800 it MIGHT be worth the upgrade. Battery life on the 6800 is better, but you can get a lion 2400 mah extended battery on Ebay now for like $12.00 for the 6700.

I would trade the wife for her 6700 in a minute, but she has figured out that it is a better phone...at least for now. The 6800 is a little smaller, but if you want small get a BB pearl. Function beats form in my book any day.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2008, 01:24 PM
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Re: 6700 vs 6800

Originally Posted by ToTalXS View Post
your 6800 didnt come with a usb cradle? or was the 6700's cradle just better? my 6800 came with a docking cradle so im just a little confused.
Mine didn't come with a cradle but then again I didn't get mine directly from Sprint. Sorry for the confusion. Ooops.

The other minor thing is no Antenna hump on the 6800.
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