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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-13-2011, 09:18 AM
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What can the 3D do that the 4G can't? Besides 3D?

I want to get the new Evo 3D but my Evo 4G kicks ass. What will the 3D be able to do that my Evo 4G can't? I really don't care about the 3D novelty and the camera.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-13-2011, 09:53 AM
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Re: What can the 3D do that the 4G can't? Besides 3D?

I also think 3D feature is pointless, been to the store the other day and saw a 55" inch 3d screen (top of the line) with sample 2D and 3D footage..and the 2D footage looked a lot better then the 3D footage...heck I saw some people even mistaken the 2D footage for glasses free 3D because it was displaying it so well.

..but Evo 4G-> Evo3d is a big upgrade within itself.

You get 2x more ram 512mb->1gb
You get 4x more rom 1gb->4gb
You also get an SLCD(over LCD) screen that is higher resolution.
You get a Dual core Cpu thats 1.2ghz over 1ghz single core cpu
You get a Adreno 220 over Adreno 205 GPU aka 4x more powerful GPU

I could go on..but that in itself is a lot of things...
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Last edited by gTen; 06-13-2011 at 12:08 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-13-2011, 07:46 PM
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Re: What can the 3D do that the 4G can't? Besides 3D?

Yep, I'm getting it

I don't want to, but ...... I have to. Most of the phone whores on here will understand what I mean.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2011, 06:13 PM
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Re: What can the 3D do that the 4G can't? Besides 3D?

I'm more than likely holding off to be honest. I just went and checked out the HTC sensation from T-mobile which is very similiar to the 3d. Great form factor, thinner, lighter, and sense 3 running amazing of course. But the 3d is going to be bulkier and with all of the great roms available that are sense 2.1 and upcoming stable sense 3 roms, it makes me pause. Also, most of the sense 2.1 roms available now have several Sense 3 widgets and animations working smooth already so its really tough to justify dropping the evo right now. Obviously sense and other apps will run better on the latest though.
One big plus is the camera on the sensation. Much quicker to snap pics (at least twice as fast). Unfortunately the sensation has an 8mb compared to the 3d (5mb) so that's a downer imo. Oh well, decisions decisions. lol.
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