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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 06:53 PM
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Re: no love for the epic

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
i always hated samsung stuff till epic hit my hands.
Samsung only good for TV's & Blu-Ray players
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 07:51 PM
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Re: no love for the epic

You all forgot the obvious here. This is in part CO-sponsored by HTC. I suspect Sprint would do the same thing with the epic if Samsung chipped in.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 09:49 PM
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Re: no love for the epic

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
And you wonder why sprint isn't doing so well... nothing against the EVO, but instead of offering "choice" they put all their eggs in 1 basket..which totally screwed them since they were low on stock first 3 months
Well, why is the iPhone still so popular? It is years old and slow to update hardware and its earlier hardware was missing several features that was already popular. Its all about marketing- image and branding. If Sprint keep changing its focus for every new phone that comes out they will never have a chance at being a true contender. The EVO is the closest competition to the iPhone and they should focus on that product/brand to keep making improvements to continue to compete... this is one of the best phones I've ever had and I hope they keep making it better....let's start by making the next model a little smaller...
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 10:40 PM
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Re: no love for the epic

Originally Posted by stparker View Post
Well, why is the iPhone still so popular? It is years old and slow to update hardware and its earlier hardware was missing several features that was already popular. Its all about marketing- image and branding. If Sprint keep changing its focus for every new phone that comes out they will never have a chance at being a true contender. The EVO is the closest competition to the iPhone and they should focus on that product/brand to keep making improvements to continue to compete... this is one of the best phones I've ever had and I hope they keep making it better....let's start by making the next model a little smaller...
I'm sorry, you had me all the way up to the part where you actually wished for a smaller phone. No thank you! The EVO is the perfect size. 4.3" seems like it will be the new standard for great smartphones, for a while. You are one of the first people I've seen who are asking for a smaller phone. If you want smaller, go for the Epic or iPhone 4. Even people who didn't initially care for the size of the EVO, have still sang its praises. The 4.3" screen is on-par with most car GPS systems. I use my EVO as a GPS and use a custom car mount to hold it in place while I'm driving. I couldn't imagine being able to utilize this phone in the way it's intended, on a smaller screen. Actually, I wouldn't mind if the EVO were a tad bit bigger.... possibly 4.5" maximum. And the smaller size of the iPhone 4, seems to be the biggest gripe that most people have with it, especially after seeing the competition a la the EVO and Droid X.
HTC EVO 3D | Gingerbread 2.3.4 | Sense 3.0 | Lovin' it!
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 11:32 PM
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Re: no love for the epic

Originally Posted by stparker View Post
Well, why is the iPhone still so popular? It is years old and slow to update hardware and its earlier hardware was missing several features that was already popular. Its all about marketing- image and branding. If Sprint keep changing its focus for every new phone that comes out they will never have a chance at being a true contender. The EVO is the closest competition to the iPhone and they should focus on that product/brand to keep making improvements to continue to compete... this is one of the best phones I've ever had and I hope they keep making it better....let's start by making the next model a little smaller...
Actually thats a misconception, the specs of the iphones have always been #1 for when it came out, the only iphone that was worse specs was the original 2g one...iphone 4 hardware spec wise is ahead of the evo..the only phone to break that streak of superior hardware was the Galaxy S...

The phone that probably competes most with the iphone is the Droids (simply cause verizon spent 100 million promoting it and Verizon has more people)

I think sprint would actually be better off promoting more then 1 phone, out of all the carriers they have the worst choices of phones..I mean how many android phones does sprint have? and how many do other carriers have? for the record the Transform/Intercept/Moment are effectively the same phone...and they refuse to release any 1ghz phones without $10 fee...

(For the recor they should have released the TP2 earlier then they did, but they didnt want it to steal Palm Pre sales which was competing with the EVO so they delayed it by months )

Originally Posted by Dr. Evo View Post
I'm sorry, you had me all the way up to the part where you actually wished for a smaller phone. No thank you! The EVO is the perfect size. 4.3" seems like it will be the new standard for great smartphones, for a while. You are one of the first people I've seen who are asking for a smaller phone. If you want smaller, go for the Epic or iPhone 4. Even people who didn't initially care for the size of the EVO, have still sang its praises. The 4.3" screen is on-par with most car GPS systems. I use my EVO as a GPS and use a custom car mount to hold it in place while I'm driving. I couldn't imagine being able to utilize this phone in the way it's intended, on a smaller screen. Actually, I wouldn't mind if the EVO were a tad bit bigger.... possibly 4.5" maximum. And the smaller size of the iPhone 4, seems to be the biggest gripe that most people have with it, especially after seeing the competition a la the EVO and Droid X.
Actually I have heard many people ask for a smaller sized EVO..while many do like the size of the EVO I will admit, there are those with smaller hands that EVO is just uncomfortable to hold..simple as that....
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2010, 02:29 AM
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Why is this posted here? Obviously here we won't sympathize with you. Sorry, don't want to troll
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2010, 09:13 AM
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Re: no love for the epic

Originally Posted by aman1127 View Post
Why is this posted here? Obviously here we won't sympathize with you. Sorry, don't want to troll
exactly.....we have 2 epic mods that spend more time in the evo forum, lol

it's real simple ppl, the EVO is a superior phone!

thread moved
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2010, 09:56 AM
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Originally Posted by pjsnyc View Post
You wanna talk about no love for the epic?

Samsung Intercept Receives Android 2.2 | Android Phone Fans

I'm convinced now (wishful thinking) that they're going straight to gingerbread.
For the sake of their credibility, skipping Froyo & going straight to Gingerbread would be the best thing right now for Samsung.

EVO on Tapatalk
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2010, 10:06 AM
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Re: no love for the epic

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
it's real simple ppl, the EVO is a superior phone!
superior for me to poop on.
Originally Posted by wilw
Stupid and angry is no way to go through life, son.

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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2010, 10:10 AM
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Re: no love for the epic

Originally Posted by austin420 View Post
superior for me to poop on.
(Someone design a pooping smilie!!!)
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