Originally Posted by insomniac
Exactly, scorpion is very quick, but gpu wise it is behind the curve compared to other newer implementations. I am also looking to see how WP7 handles it. Also, when the the froyo is released for the Evo, we can see if their is any true real world difference. But right now a4 is one of the best, plus I want to look into the galaxy s, may get it too, so bored and fed up with the TP2.
The Galaxy S has some awesome specs, hw keyboard, super amoled, 4" android 2.2 (soon), but it IS samsung, meaning no development, just look at the lack of any development for the moment, whereas there are hero and evo roms all over the place.
I would hate to be on a TP 2 right now, the only reason I can stand WM6.x at the moment i because I get to rock it on a snapdragon 512mb ram 4.3" capacitive screen. It makes 6.x bearable, but I'm gonna ditch this thing soon and get a Nexus One and rock a 3GS for a little while till I can get an unlocked iPhone 4 or a CDMA version and a good 4.3" HTC android on a scorpion so I can flash custom ROMs on it