Originally Posted by orangekid
The Galaxy S has some awesome specs, hw keyboard, super amoled, 4" android 2.2 (soon), but it IS samsung, meaning no development, just look at the lack of any development for the moment, whereas there are hero and evo roms all over the place.
I would hate to be on a TP 2 right now, the only reason I can stand WM6.x at the moment i because I get to rock it on a snapdragon 512mb ram 4.3" capacitive screen. It makes 6.x bearable, but I'm gonna ditch this thing soon and get a Nexus One and rock a 3GS for a little while till I can get an unlocked iPhone 4 or a CDMA version and a good 4.3" HTC android on a scorpion so I can flash custom ROMs on it
Ha ha, I had the moment and hated Android for it. So, I know about the lack of development, though it had some. And customer support from Samsung, well, there isn't any, really. But to be honest, I haven't rooted the Evo, no reason to untill the cap is figured out without breaking anything, that is. Only reason I unlocked winmo devices was because you have to just to make that ghastly o.s. run decently. So, if i do end up getting the galaxy s, it will be because I have messed with it a few times, and decide it doesnt need a root. Not every phone I ever own needs to be hacked, lol. But it is fun at times to do so.