Re: Anyone here made transition from Touch Pro to Treo Pro?
I went from a touch pro to a treo pro and absolutely love it. Everything just works right out of the box. Love the fact that there aren't any custom roms(probably because they are not needed) to change. I used to spend hours swapping roms.
Re: Anyone here made transition from Touch Pro to Treo Pro?
I switch back and fourth from the the touch pro and the treo pro, but so far i have stayed with the treo pro in my main line, while i just flash different roms to the tp to keep updated on whats out there. plus the battery on the treo is way better in my opinion.
6700-> 700wx-> mogul -> touch-> BB Pearl -> 800w-> diamond-> touch pro-> palm treo pro-> Pre->TP2-> hero->EVO->EPIC->HD 7 PRO
Re: Anyone here made transition from Touch Pro to Treo Pro?
Re: Anyone here made transition from Touch Pro to Treo Pro?
touch pro might have better hardware but for some reason the treo works better.
even with half the ram of the touch pro, I don't encounter any lag or instability with my treo..my touch pro on the other hand suffered from lag+instability ALL the time.. |
Re: Anyone here made transition from Touch Pro to Treo Pro?
i too went from the touchpro to Treo Pro. The Treo is very snappy going from application to application. Love how quick it is but one thing i HATE is the keyboard. the space key doesn't work very often so when I text the words all blend together. Has anyone else had a problem w/ the keybrd. also wish i could make everything look bigger on the screen. Side by side with my blackberry curve the curve's screen looks a little smaller but everything looks so much bigger and better on the screen
Re: Anyone here made transition from Touch Pro to Treo Pro?
I ordered one from ebay but am waiting to receive it. I wanted to get the treo pro to use as my back up phone. I'm curious to know what version treo pro's you guys have. 1.03 STP or 1.04 STP. Also to the other poster thats a rare combination a blackberry and a treo lol. Most people who own blackberry's despise treo's and vice versa. I am thinking of investing in a blackberry too but it would have to be the bold or 9630 niagra coming out in september. Not to keen on that trackball thingy though seems real annoying after playing with it on friend's phones.