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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2007, 02:02 PM
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Originally Posted by JonV View Post
FWIW, I was fighting storage problems. I picked up SK tools and it did help clean up the "internals" but I just wasn't determining where all my memory had gone. I was looking for a tool that would show memory usage by directory so I could see where it was all being used. I heard about and trialed MemMaid and it really helped. In addition to a cleaner, it has a nice storage usage took that gave me exactly what I needed. I quickly found what I should have known all along: my \Windows\Messaging directory was the culprit. Not only did I have attachments needing cleaning but my storage was being eaten alive my all the messages I had deleted over the months. Emptying my deleted items reclaimed all my missing storage. I went from 2MB up to 16MB like that!
Good input JonV. You gotta keep these things clean!

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2007, 06:16 PM
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Originally Posted by bentleysmom View Post
Hi everyone .... I've been getting messages that I need more storage memory on my Treo 700wx.

I've synched it to my desktop and am using Windows Explorer to drill into the Windows file folder on the devide. I was looking at the Messaging folder with a subset of Attachements.

Is it ok to delete the files in these folders?? Thanks for any info you can provide )
Another app that is GREAT at saving storage memory is UPX4PPC....
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > General Windows Mobile Discussions > Legacy WM Devices > Palm Treo 700W/WX

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