I have been thinking of getting Themmaker M or X. But with WM5 being such a PITA color wise I am not sure I want to spend the money. Here is what that raw tsk file looks like on my wx. And here is the tsk modified with Thememaker M to reize the background image. Not shure what is causing the wierd color bands though.
I know WM5 automatically crops down the .tsk to the appropriate size, but in doing so you could potentially waste memory as it is still loading the entire file, although it will still work. |
Using software like Theme maker M you are able to add you own backround or pull the picture backround out of a standerd se tsk. Using it in the WM5-240 format with backround being croped to fit with no added memory===Perfect fit.From that point you can customize everything else to your liking.You then can select the compression,,,high,mid or low when saving themes giving you much freedom when it comes to space taken.The standerd SE theme is around 39 to 50 KB.If convertd On WM5 240 high compression it"s the same.No more space taken.I prefer low compression inturn giving you a much more pretty theme then orginal se theme tsk, file hacked for its backround.
good stuff I posted a link in the 240x240 Theme collection thread to some of my work.I have about 20 themes put together..Heck I posted about 10 today hahahah----I played hookie from work |
Treo_newb, thanks for the info. Good stuff.
BTW, what link posted above for the rest of your themes? I don't see any... |
Treo_newb, thanks for the info.
What is the best way to edit the background images? Use M/X or a stand alone image editor. I would like to get the crossbow background looking correct, getting rid of the color bands. And with having a stand alone editor is Thememaker X worth it, or will M do? |