Cant get the Sms/messaging softkey to display
I have a 8525 and I installed the palm messaging app. Everything works fine, except the sms/messaging key. My phone only shows sms on the today screen. When i click it, it doesnt give me an option to choose messaging. It goes right to the palm inbox. I tried uninstalling it then reinstalling it. And i also tried installing the older version, but it doesnt work. Any suggestions
Importing of old text messages
First, let me say thank you for an extremely valuable application! I had a Treo 650 when I was with Verizon, and had greatly missed the threaded SMS chats since switching to a Cingular 8125.
I had no problems installing the application, and the SMS messages I have sent and received since installation have been threaded, just as expected. My question is this: is there any way to import the SMS messages I had sent and received prior to installation? Even if they were not threaded, at least I would still be able to review them. Or should they have been imported automatically when I installed the program? My apologies if this issue has already been addressed; I saw no mention of it looking back through the last 15 or so pages of posts. |
Re: Importing of old text messages
Quote r36099 Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 3:33 am Post subject: Cant get the Sms/messaging softkey to display -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have a 8525 and I installed the palm messaging app. Everything works fine, except the sms/messaging key. My phone only shows sms on the today screen. When i click it, it doesnt give me an option to choose messaging. It goes right to the palm inbox. I tried uninstalling it then reinstalling it. And i also tried installing the older version, but it doesnt work. Any suggestions Quote Install VJSlippyPALM, works wonders, Come on over to the Hermes Forum and you'll find all you need in there
Theres No Escaping The FaNtAsTiC Mr Q
This is an amazing thread, I am only 10 pages in.
I do have one major nagging issue though. For any non-standard text messages, i.e. 411 texts, and forwarded email texts, the program gives me a "contents of this message cannot be displayed" and I get stuck. I tried to search, but to no avail. Thank you!! |
two messaging apps in "programs"?
Wow, I'm only a couple of hours in after receiving my 700wx this afternoon (switched from a 700p) and you guys are amazing! Installed the Threaded SMS Hack and the MMS Hack. I do have one question though:
In "programs" I have two messaging apps "Messaging(1)" and "Messaging" - opening either one seems to take me to the same place - threaded sms (which is working properly). How would I go about deleting one and which one should I delete? Thanks for this awesome hack that makes switching from a 700p even easier! -John BTW: I've searched and browsed through dozens of pages here and at treocentral with no luck... |
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