If you're using POP, make sure you set the option on your desktop mail client to "leave a copy of the message on the server" or something to that effect.
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go to start, programs, activesync, menu, configure server, next, next, highlight email and click settings, on the "include the previous" tab, click on all, then finish. thats what I had to do to fix my stuff. |
I had thought of leaving the message on the server, but then won't Outlook on the PC download the message multiple times when I send/recieve?
I'm guessing there's no way to jsut have the Treo set to save the email to the device rather than solely relying on what's on the server? And I don't use Exchange, it's the POP accounts through my ISP. |
In outlook you need to keep a copy on server until you delete from deleted items, otherwise OUtlook will download it and it won't be there for your Treo to download. The programs are smarther than you think, if you leave it on the server it won't download it multiple times, unless you hard reset your treo then it thinks its downloading whatevers on the server for the first time.
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