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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2009, 02:35 AM
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flashed treo 700w help needed no mms web works

i have a palm treo 700w i had it flashed (paid 45 bucks) the web is working but no mms picture messaging it keeps trying to connect to the default verizon broadband network wich i cant find to edit it i do have a connecton setup for the web its called cricket wap and has cricket settings but the default verizon broadband network is not in there any idea how i delete that or edit it? and id like to get my pic messaging working. i do have a data cable for the phone but when i plug it into my computer it gets reconized but it wont install and i cant find the driver for it anywhere oh and im a noob by the way and dont know a single thing about flashing phones so i dont wanna do anything that will need to have my phone re flashed. any help would be greatly appreciated thanks everyone.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2009, 05:58 PM
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Re: flashed treo 700w help needed no mms web works

Hi I think we have almost the same problem but when a dowload the driver for my reboot the cellphone with Verizon because mine was flashed with metro now im nearly bricket this is so sad
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2009, 11:50 AM
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Re: flashed treo 700w help needed no mms web works


download the file here that says sprint 700wx run the setup and it will install a verizon 700w and install the drivers i used it for my flashed verizon 700w and works excellent ive had no problems the file is like 265mb so it gunna take time to download but it will work and it will install sync programs as well hope this helps someone out
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-08-2009, 11:49 PM
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Re: flashed treo 700w help needed no mms web works

Having some trouble understanding what you're trying to say. Sounds like you have a device flashed for Cricket, and are going to flash a Sprint update and somehow that's going to install an update for the VZW 700W. That won't work on a Cricket device. I'm guessing that's pretty much what you did, Kareem. You've got a device flashed to Metro PCS and for whatever reason, flashed a VZW update. Why?? OP, I see you stated you don't know the first thing about flashing phones, yet you've tried to do that anyway,,,again why? Something I tell noobs is to not be in any hurry to flash your device, but rather, read and learn as much as possible about your device and WinMo in general before you attempt this. There's a boatload of info and knowledgeable minds on this site if you're willing to take advantage of that. Unfortunately what's happened to you is a perfect example as to why you should not be in a hurry. I had my 700WX for almost a year before I flashed my first ROM. This may be a tough one to fix.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2009, 01:51 AM
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Re: flashed treo 700w help needed no mms web works

ok here is my problem i have a verizon palm treo 700w its fully flashed to cricket service wich i paid to have someone to for me. i have web working and talk and text works i have no mms picture messaging when i try to download a picture message my phone tries to connect to the default verizon broadband access i did 2 weeks worth of research and only found i need arcsoft composer wich i downloaded and edited the regristry and this did not help at all. it said in the forum theres a file in the registry called enableserveredit and thats what i looked for and i dont have that with my phone i also found it needs to be programmed to simple IP and that has to be done with qpst programming so i bought what i was told is the cable to do this but i found its just s sync cable 1 end goes into my phone the other end is usb and theres a button on it the buy ripped me off for 60 bucks for it as of right now im still trying to get my mms working and get the default verizon broadband connection edited and changed to cricket or deleted i cant edit or delete in the network connections on phone it isnt in there just my cricket wap connection. i am a noob but i know alot about phones not to framiliar with roms and flashing and such but ive done lots of research i called everywhere in my area and all i get is being told web and mms dont work on this phone and they dont understand how i got the wap working if anyone can help me it would be greatly appreciated i need mms for when i go on vacation and i also have a brother who is a tattoo artist and he does alot of tattoos on me and i send pictures to people to show them his work wich i cant do i had a flashed voyager before then got the treo and i like it alot but if i cant get mms working ill get a ppc6700 i really like the windows mobile and touchscreen feature hopefully someone can help me i read alot of people got this working
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 12:57 AM
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Re: flashed treo 700w help needed no mms web works

you have to have a cable.. I do have them for sale... there are 3 files that you will have to extract from phone and edit for mms to work. You do need internet but there is a little bit more to it than that. But you do have to have a cable to get mms.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2009, 01:39 AM
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Re: flashed treo 700w help needed no mms web works

how much do you sell the cable for? is it usb or fbus?
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > General Windows Mobile Discussions > Legacy WM Devices > Palm Treo 700W/WX

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