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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 03-15-2007, 09:58 PM
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just picked up a H700 today. I like it so far. Only made a couple calls with it though. A couple were a little fuzzy but i think it was the BT connection. I upgraded to that A2GP or whatever it is about 10 minutes ago so we'll see if that cures any ills.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 03-15-2007, 10:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Scooter_in_WI
Hey Eddie..

I had the old Jabra 250 a while back but it didn't play too nice with my old Treo 650. Do you have any complaints from folks that you talk to about background noise or not being able to hear you? I loved the way that the old 250 fit and it looks like Jabra has held true to that design. I really like that!
I haven't had any complaints as of yet, but I'm not sure if they just kept quiet about it. I did test it myself, calling to my local phone and it did sound very clear. I know at times, I did hear some static on my end, but it was very little and not bothersome. I'm not sure if A2DP made any difference, since I never really use the phone, until after applying A2DP.

If the Jawbone were allot cheaper and looked allot nicer, I would consider it. Otherwise, the looks isn't that appealing, even though it may be the best BT headset.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 03-16-2007, 08:32 AM
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Originally Posted by HybriDSM
just picked up a H700 today. I like it so far. Only made a couple calls with it though. A couple were a little fuzzy but i think it was the BT connection. I upgraded to that A2GP or whatever it is about 10 minutes ago so we'll see if that cures any ills.

Please let me know because I really liked the H700 and looking to invest in one soon. Did you buy on-line or local store?
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2007, 07:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Juslisten
Please let me know because I really liked the H700 and looking to invest in one soon. Did you buy on-line or local store?
THe problem is that don't seem to be consistent. I bought a new H700 and it had so much static that it was horrible. Maybe it was just that particular unit. Not sure. I went and got the Plantronics 510 and the sound is just perfect. Other side say it's very clear.

I did have problems with an earlier H700 so I wouldn't buy another. I'm sure they are fine, but the treo's are very particular about which BT headset they will work with.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2007, 09:31 PM
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I've often said that you can have 50 Treo users in 1 room; all 50 using a different BT headset, and ALL 50 will swear to you that the one they use is the one you should use.

In terms of what is the best BT headset for you, I say that the only way to find out is through trial and error. What I may consider to be the best may be the worst for you or the people you talk too.

I tried them ALL on a 700p. If they didnt meet up to my standards, I returned it and tried something else. I've bought the cheapest to the most expensive. I didnt care about how much they cost; I just wanted one that worked and worked GREAT!

Now, Im starting my search all over again, this time with the PPC 6700. I havent found that "great" headset yet.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2007, 09:32 PM
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I have the Jawbone, and I have to say, I am not impressed with it. Everyone I talk to says it sounds like there is water running in my background; whether I'm in a quiet environment or not.

Originally Posted by crazie.eddie
I used the Motorola HS850, similar to the H700, except the H700 is smaller. The HS850 felt a little strange, since it hangs on the ear lobe. It often felt like it was going to fall off. It also felt weird, because the HS850 kept flopping around. A friend of mine also has one and when he came over. Even though we would talk eye to eye, I often felt compelled to look at his ear, since the HS850 was sticking out. Dang peripheral vision. Since was bothersome, since I deal with clients and I don't want them to be distracted if I talked to them, since they would probably compelled to look at the funny looking thing hanging on my ear.

I just switched over to a Jabra HT500. The HT500v is a vibrating model of the HT500. The HT500 is bigger than the H700, but actually not as distracting to look at if someone is wearing it. Also, it sits very comfortably on my ear, that it doesn't even move around, no matter what I do.

I have heard great reviews about the Jawbone. It has an excellent noise canceling mic. There is a sensor, which rests on your jaw. This senses vibration on your jaw when you speak. Therefore, the mic only goes on when it senses you are talking. Therefore, allot of background noise cannot be heard.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2007, 08:04 AM
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510 here with no problems. Did you use the included boom filter when youhad problems with it? If I don't use that there tends to be some wind noise on the other end.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2007, 09:00 AM
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BT Headset

I have used the Jabra BT 250 that came with my old 650 and I I never had any issues hearing or other hearing me. I like the H700 as well though I am used to the "in the ear" type and I hear better that way. Just a preference. The H700 has some sort of noise reduction built in, so it is worlds aprt from the H850 which is crap. The best headset to date has been the in the ear H9MiniBlue. A bit pricey but I can hear great and others say I am clear. You have to like in the ear since it is "IN THE EAR"
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2007, 09:01 AM
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BT Headset

I have used the Jabra BT 250 that came with my old 650 and I I never had any issues hearing or other hearing me. I like the H700 as well though I am used to the "in the ear" type and I hear better that way. Just a preference. The H700 has some sort of noise reduction built in, so it is worlds aprt from the H850 which is crap. The best headset to date has been the in the ear H9MiniBlue. A bit pricey but I can hear great and others say I am clear. You have to like in the ear since it is "IN THE EAR"
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2007, 11:51 AM
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it was mentioned above.. make sure u apply the new A2DP fix from hannip... altho its for AD2P it upgrades the whole stack as well i have the 510 also and since installing that fix i have had no problems or complaints
If someone helps ya them!
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