My WX is 1.13 with the SMS patch installed. And when any of my headset lose connection I just have to turn then off and then back on to regain the link.
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Hey jeffH70 , you need to let that dude over at phonealarm see the work you have done with registry. Maybe it's something he can fix with an update. I've had this happen to me twice and it's taken me weeks each time to put my phone back the way it was. Not fun. My phone is actually like that again so I can't even use Bluetooth, but I don't feel like redoing my phone again! I've e-mailed the guy in charge of phonealarm once. He was real quick with his reply, but he said he wasn't aware of any problems. If a bunch of us complain over what it is doing to our Treo Wx's, maybe he'll act on it. Just a thought.
I just hard reseted twice because of this. After the first hard reset, I had phone alarm 1.58 installed and within the first day I couldn't access the BT again. Now I just didn't install it after a hard reset and so far its working fine.
That's what I'm saying! Maybe that guy at phonealarm or someone can figure out what needs to be done in the registry or something to correct the problem if it happens. I'd gladly take phonealarm off for good, but I don't want to do another hard reset. I have too much other stuff on there.
having dealt with bruce (pocketmax creator of phone alarm) the first thing he will say to do is log it so he can see what actually is happening. if u can create the problem again and log it, im sure he will Gladly fix it.
to activate loggin: 1.PalSettings/about tab 2.Clikc the PA logo 3. Select basic and advance loggin 4.X out |
I think I finally found out the real cause of this problem and after close watching the last few weeks without any problem (used to be hard reset once every two days), I would say it is actually a quick fix.
It turns out that the today timeout value most likely the problem as both PA and the standard BT icon are the today plugins. The default timeout value is 4 hours so if your phone is left untouched after this value (during night for example), there is a chance that the registry of the BT could get messed up when the plugin is awakened by the user. By setting the timeout value to maximum 12 hours, I do not have any BT problem since I made the change, and I make sure I touch the phone within the limt. ![]() Jeff |
I've never experienced the original issue and I use phoneAlarm. Thing is, I have the Today Timeout option diasbled.
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