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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2006, 02:55 PM
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Missing Camera Icon, etc.

Ok, I ran SKTools to clean out Duplicate Shortcuts. When the process completed and returned to my today screen my camera shortcut in O2 Plus tab had been replaced with a generic icon. Additionally I cannot add my camera to my program files from settings/menu because there is no camera icon to select. If I go into Pictures and Videos I can access my camera there. Any thoughts on why this disappeared from my Programs screen, etc. and on how to restore it? I have a backup on my computer but is there an immediate fix?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2006, 07:59 PM
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ok i just experienced the same thing on my 700 no camera icon in programs but exists in pictures and videos? it used to be there i know cause i added it when i first got this thing...it doesnt even come back after a hard reset...WTF?????????????
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2006, 03:36 AM
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hey Juggs...I restored my 700wx from my pc and was able to solve the problem that way. Do you have a backup?


sent from my 700wx
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2006, 11:48 AM
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not even a backup helped...its one of two things the thhreaded app or picturemail that's kicking it out I'm at work when I get home ill narrow it down further...
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2007, 10:56 AM
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ok so after a few hard resets i have come to this conclusion. none of the programs we use take the camera out of the system WE do. Here are the steps i took to recreate the problem after a hard reset.

1. Start/settings/menu/removed calendar(already on my today screen) added camera. once camera was added it took it out of the program files folder thus making it available in pics & videos. essentially its gone but not forgotten.

2. Hard reset via RTN(##786# enter msl) completely takes out camera from existance including via windows folder( not exactly sure why but it does but still avail via pics & video) no icon appears anywhere nor does total commander even find the .dll or exe for it. Must reprogram msid/sid and provision device for web

3. Hard reset via soft reset button and off button simultaneously(preferred method as it doesnt wipe out msid or sid) restores camera funchtiojns!!! but again once its added to the menu it takes it out of program files so its up to you as to how you want to go aboot using your icon as its intended. basically i just left it in the program files and use ilauncher to launch it from my today screen(only app i launch from it)

I hope this little write up helps and clears up any confusion!!!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2007, 12:18 PM
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Great info.That would explain why Phonealarm shortcut missed calls no longer responded to my treo.It would have to dismiss them twice

memaid-clear shortcuts and ##786# hard reset are not a good mix
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2007, 01:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Yay 4 Juggs
ok so after a few hard resets i have come to this conclusion. none of the programs we use take the camera out of the system WE do. Here are the steps i took to recreate the problem after a hard reset.

1. Start/settings/menu/removed calendar(already on my today screen) added camera. once camera was added it took it out of the program files folder thus making it available in pics & videos. essentially its gone but not forgotten.

2. Hard reset via RTN(##786# enter msl) completely takes out camera from existance including via windows folder( not exactly sure why but it does but still avail via pics & video) no icon appears anywhere nor does total commander even find the .dll or exe for it. Must reprogram msid/sid and provision device for web

3. Hard reset via soft reset button and off button simultaneously(preferred method as it doesnt wipe out msid or sid) restores camera funchtiojns!!! but again once its added to the menu it takes it out of program files so its up to you as to how you want to go aboot using your icon as its intended. basically i just left it in the program files and use ilauncher to launch it from my today screen(only app i launch from it)

I hope this little write up helps and clears up any confusion!!!
Thanks for the update/info Juggs.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2007, 11:51 PM
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Lost Camera

Ok...I had to do a hard reset and I noticed that I couldnt find the camera in any of the Programs, Startmenu, etc...

So I did a search on other Windows mobile/Windows CE phones and found what I thought was the answer. So I did the following:

1. Check if you have the following registry key: HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Shell/ Rai/:MSCAMERA

2. Check if the value 1 as this : pimg.exe -camerakey

3. check if you have this program : /Windows/pimg.exe

4. Create a shortcut with the following text: :MSCAMERA?shellres.dll,-8263

5. name this shortcut Camera.lnk and put it in the folder /Windows/AppButtons /windows/startmenu and /windows/startmenu/programs

6. Launch the Buttons control panel applet and assign the Camera shortcut to the Camera button and save.

After I did that, all of a sudden I had TWO camera shortcuts listed. So I deleted the 2nd one and everything was fine. I was then able to go into START, SETTINGS, BUTTONS and assigned the Camera to the Side button.

I hope this helps someone else if they lose their camera.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2009, 09:55 PM
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Unhappy Re: Lost Camera

Originally Posted by dcdave63 View Post
Ok...I had to do a hard reset and I noticed that I couldnt find the camera in any of the Programs, Startmenu, etc...

So I did a search on other Windows mobile/Windows CE phones and found what I thought was the answer. So I did the following:

1. Check if you have the following registry key: HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Shell/ Rai/:MSCAMERA

2. Check if the value 1 as this : pimg.exe -camerakey

3. check if you have this program : /Windows/pimg.exe

4. Create a shortcut with the following text: :MSCAMERA?shellres.dll,-8263

5. name this shortcut Camera.lnk and put it in the folder /Windows/AppButtons /windows/startmenu and /windows/startmenu/programs

6. Launch the Buttons control panel applet and assign the Camera shortcut to the Camera button and save.

After I did that, all of a sudden I had TWO camera shortcuts listed. So I deleted the 2nd one and everything was fine. I was then able to go into START, SETTINGS, BUTTONS and assigned the Camera to the Side button.

I hope this helps someone else if they lose their camera.
I had the same problem..
There was no camera icon in my phone.
As suggested, i did do all the above said settings..
But what i get is again a link directly to the album, than getting me to the camera...
So, there is no way i can access my camera......
Any suggestions!
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