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Old 01-08-2007, 11:51 PM
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Lost Camera

Ok...I had to do a hard reset and I noticed that I couldnt find the camera in any of the Programs, Startmenu, etc...

So I did a search on other Windows mobile/Windows CE phones and found what I thought was the answer. So I did the following:

1. Check if you have the following registry key: HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Shell/ Rai/:MSCAMERA

2. Check if the value 1 as this : pimg.exe -camerakey

3. check if you have this program : /Windows/pimg.exe

4. Create a shortcut with the following text: :MSCAMERA?shellres.dll,-8263

5. name this shortcut Camera.lnk and put it in the folder /Windows/AppButtons /windows/startmenu and /windows/startmenu/programs

6. Launch the Buttons control panel applet and assign the Camera shortcut to the Camera button and save.

After I did that, all of a sudden I had TWO camera shortcuts listed. So I deleted the 2nd one and everything was fine. I was then able to go into START, SETTINGS, BUTTONS and assigned the Camera to the Side button.

I hope this helps someone else if they lose their camera.
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