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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2006, 05:03 AM
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I agree, the option to enable the led ought be there whether it's the minority that likes it or not.

I personally don't care to have a bright LED blinking all the time, but would settle for a dim blink. Since owning the Treo 700wx I have already had the unfortunate occasion where I thought my Treo's phone was on, only to pick it up a few hours later and learn it wasn't. A blinking LED would confirm this and adding the option for your LED to blink is giving value to those who want that with out having to guess or actually turn on the Treo just to check.

I also wish Palm would of allowed the LED to blink when Bluetooth was on. With problems some users are experiencing with their Bluetooth turning itself off for no reason, a blinking LED would be very much welcomed since I also have experienced this problem.

I love my Treo and by far its the best Windows Mobile device I have owned and think Palm is years ahead with it's added touch to the OS and and one hand ease of use. And though I think its great that Palm takes the initiative to tweak the OS when every other OEM hasn't and make it more user friendly, it would be wise for them to learn from Microsoft's mistakes and provide options where ever possible instead of making that absolute decision for all their users, like Microsoft has done all too often with every new "feature" they add to their software. ( Hint, hint Palm fix the damn voice record function.)
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2006, 11:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Malatesta
Originally Posted by MsTreoDiva
I found that people are happy no matter what.

However if you give people the option to have it or not would please everyone. I thought it was great that you could go to general options and turn it on and off.

More and more I am swaying to clean up my 650 and go back to it. The 700WX is nice and all but not for someone like me running three different businesses. Its just too complicated.. and I love complication but not if its affecting my work.

I saw some where on the web about a Butler program and an LED Shutoff hack. Will either of those allow you to turn the light on?
I think I've been fairly clear on this topic :

There is NO hack, no software, no trick, no tip, nothing as of right now to turn the LED back on.

I am not aware of any active development to change this either.

As far as going back to a 650/less complicated, any time you learn a new system, with its own vernacular, software and functions, it will be more difficult than sticking with what you know. That's a given.

I found PalmOS just as confusing when I switched to the 650 from WM (dbcache? where exactly are my files? why did all my registration and preferences disappear? How do I just add files to the SD w/Hotsync?, etc.)

Everyone who says PalmOS is easier happens to also be very familiar with that OS and comfortable with it.

But if the no blinking LED is the deal breaker, return it now.
With all respect Malatesta I think It,s really about owners of the WX coming together in this thread wanting the option of LED.Im sure they don't want to be told (if the no blinking LED is the dealbreaker return it)=counterproductive.If a hack for picture mail and hide logo can be put together im sure a led hack is right around the corner. WX Owners must share there thoughts for that to happen inturn bringing them here
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2006, 03:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Treo_newb
With all respect Malatesta I think It,s really about owners of the WX coming together in this thread wanting the option of LED.Im sure they don't want to be told (if the no blinking LED is the dealbreaker return it)=counterproductive.If a hack for picture mail and hide logo can be put together im sure a led hack is right around the corner. WX Owners must share there thoughts for that to happen inturn bringing them here
I have to disagree.

For one, simply people wanting a hack does nothing. In general, if you want some kind of trick done you have to find someone experienced in that area and ask (beg?) them to take it on as a project.

I've seen far too many threads in my day where someone says "some developer should do X" and the thread dies because they never actually contacted a developer. (Did the magically expect that every developer would read their thread, see 5 posts and decided to take it on?)

If you guys really want this YOU have to make it happen by which I mean make a post at XDA Developers or buzzdev.net or specifically ask someone with know-how. Simply posting saying "I'd like that too" will get you no where.

All I'm saying to the OP is the facts: there is no hack for this. There is no prospect in the near future for the hack as I know of no one working on it. I'm not saying it can't be done or that it shouldn't, just not to expect it.

Going further, I'm not keen on the prospects for this being done.

On the 650, turning OFF the blinking light wasn't too hard since the function (Blink LED = Signal) existed, we were just disabling/blocking it. On the 700wx there is NO evidence that there is a sytem tie in for Blink LED = Signal

It's not a matter of turning the fucntion ON but of creating from scratch the entire function. That's going to involve some skill. More skill than what we have here and I'm not sure it can be done.

But like I said, that's why you need to find someone specifically who knows how the OS ties into the both the CDMA radio/signal system and how to control the LED. That's a 3-way system. Maybe it's easy as hell, but we won't know by simply making posts in this thread.

You can start here:

With Bruce and his PhoneAlarm 1.60 requests. I don't think he'll do it though since it won't work for all devices, so he'd have to have make (yet another) Treo specific program. Is it worth his time? Will he charge for it? You'd have to ask.

I know this stuff is hard though. On the ppc-6700, if you disabled the blinking signal LED, it killed ALL the LEDs. It also killed the Vibrate function , hence why there is no hack for the 6700 that controls THOSE LEDs.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2006, 05:44 PM
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Excelent buzzdev.net is were this thread ends it seems This thread worked.helpfull talk and chatter pays off.Thanks maltesta.It beats taking the wx back f,sure
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2006, 05:06 AM
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I think your posts alone proved the need of this topic and justified it's post.

Not everyone needs to understand the mechanical workings of an internal combustion engine just to sit in a car, turn the key, and drive. Nor does everyone need to be a fluent programmer experienced with embedded devices to use our PDAs and ask what may seem to some as obvious or even down right dumb questions. This is a forum where other people with the same devices can come together, chat, ask questions, and in some cases be educated and learn a thing or two. I believe your last post fulfilled that, but prior to that, even though I heard you, you'd just as well could of been speaking Japanese and I for one would of asked the same questions MsTreoDiva did verbatim.

Besides...If we are not all rocket scientists, how would we of learned about that stuff you explained from your last post?
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2006, 01:24 PM
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Originally Posted by ezra4no1

I think your posts alone proved the need of this topic and justified it's post.

Not everyone needs to understand the mechanical workings of an internal combustion engine just to sit in a car, turn the key, and drive. Nor does everyone need to be a fluent programmer experienced with embedded devices to use our PDAs and ask what may seem to some as obvious or even down right dumb questions. This is a forum where other people with the same devices can come together, chat, ask questions, and in some cases be educated and learn a thing or two. I believe your last post fulfilled that, but prior to that, even though I heard you, you'd just as well could of been speaking Japanese and I for one would of asked the same questions MsTreoDiva did verbatim.

Besides...If we are not all rocket scientists, how would we of learned about that stuff you explained from your last post?
I understand that but look at the OP:

I could have swore I posted a topic on this but I guess not.

I want to know how to turn it on or is there a hack to turn it on. I know it annoys others but I am fine with it.
1) This question was already asked in another thread and answered there, regardless I still re-answered it and provided the OP's original post.

2) I still answered the question: There is no hack available. No one is working on one. Here is the reason why there is no blinking LED.

What more was there to say?

The rest of the posts were just clarifications to other posts: no Bruce is not working on this, no Phonealarm will not fix this.

Then a bunch of people said "I'd like this too" to which I wrote my long reply that if you really want this here's how you do it.

If you cut out all the middle stuff I would think my last long answer would have been a very inappropriate, long and overill answer to the OP.

I'm not exactly sure which part of my posts were "over technical" except for the last one which is the one you like.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2006, 03:00 PM
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I actually don't want the LED blinking, but that's just me.

Do you guys know that the 700w on Verizon does blink green when in a Verizon service area? The wx only blinks green when you turn on speaker.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2006, 08:16 AM
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Originally Posted by ezra4no1
I agree, the option to enable the led ought be there whether it's the minority that likes it or not.

I personally don't care to have a bright LED blinking all the time, but would settle for a dim blink. Since owning the Treo 700wx I have already had the unfortunate occasion where I thought my Treo's phone was on, only to pick it up a few hours later and learn it wasn't. A blinking LED would confirm this and adding the option for your LED to blink is giving value to those who want that with out having to guess or actually turn on the Treo just to check.

I also wish Palm would of allowed the LED to blink when Bluetooth was on. With problems some users are experiencing with their Bluetooth turning itself off for no reason, a blinking LED would be very much welcomed since I also have experienced this problem.

I love my Treo and by far its the best Windows Mobile device I have owned and think Palm is years ahead with it's added touch to the OS and and one hand ease of use. And though I think its great that Palm takes the initiative to tweak the OS when every other OEM hasn't and make it more user friendly, it would be wise for them to learn from Microsoft's mistakes and provide options where ever possible instead of making that absolute decision for all their users, like Microsoft has done all too often with every new "feature" they add to their software. ( Hint, hint Palm fix the damn voice record function.)
Ahhhhh I thought I was going nuts wondering why the headset keep cutting off. It can be a positive thing b/c it saves the battery.

The unit is slowly growing on me getting to learn it etc.. I still miss my light and I agree, its annoying to you but not to others it should be an option to turn it on or off. It blinks for other reasons.. there has to be something in the registry to change that.

I wish I had the time to figure it out!
I got my new Treo! I got my new 700wxTreo!
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2006, 08:21 AM
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At least my thread hasnt died.. Good to see others are interested as well and at least I received some answers.

I will be looking into the other thread as well.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2006, 10:43 AM
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Originally Posted by santos
I actually don't want the LED blinking, but that's just me.

The wx only blinks green when you turn on speaker.
Very odd f,sure.Owning the wx for over a month now Ive never used the speaker phone option till a couple days ago noticing the led blink. hmmmm that makes no sense.you miss a call or voice mail a get no led notifaction yet your using your speakerphone at a meeting and your led hipmatizes every one.very intresting way for palm to market there device to the on lookers.
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