Sorry Pibe for missing this post.
SKTools doesn't change your browser agent behind your back. In fact mine says the same thing and I just came off of a hard-reset, so I don't think that is your issue. In other words Mozilla/4.0 is different from the IE 6.0 hack which makes your browser look like a desktop browser (and therefore, no "mobile" sites). I hate that hack and have never used it myself so I would noticed if SKTools ever changed that. So I'm not really too sure what to tell you for a solution... |
Go to google.com and tell me if you get the normal site, or if it redirects you to google.com/pda
<---Can I get some progress under my name or what????? |
I got the regular Google site... weird... don't know what's wrong. BTW, your progress goes up as you post more, it's like a post count |
Have you thought about downloading the Treo700wx hacks from Triangle Powers just to check off that one option?
I mean, that would seem to be a very easy way to correct it. What do you think, am I on the wrong track? -Chris |
Hay Pibe38 why don't you use sprite to backup your PPC than hard reset and teat your IE. If it works correctly than you can load one program at a time till you find what is causing the problem. Either way once you solve the problem you can backup to when you started
“It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope.”
Robert Kennedy Ha y'all come visit me at WMExperts some time. |