Thread: PIE User Agent
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Old 11-07-2006, 06:05 PM
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Malatesta is still contributing even after becoming a VIPMalatesta is still contributing even after becoming a VIPMalatesta is still contributing even after becoming a VIPMalatesta is still contributing even after becoming a VIPMalatesta is still contributing even after becoming a VIPMalatesta is still contributing even after becoming a VIPMalatesta is still contributing even after becoming a VIPMalatesta is still contributing even after becoming a VIPMalatesta is still contributing even after becoming a VIPMalatesta is still contributing even after becoming a VIPMalatesta is still contributing even after becoming a VIP
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Sorry Pibe for missing this post.

SKTools doesn't change your browser agent behind your back. In fact mine says the same thing and I just came off of a hard-reset, so I don't think that is your issue.

In other words Mozilla/4.0 is different from the IE 6.0 hack which makes your browser look like a desktop browser (and therefore, no "mobile" sites).

I hate that hack and have never used it myself so I would noticed if SKTools ever changed that.

So I'm not really too sure what to tell you for a solution...
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