Re: Adrynalyne's ROMs v. 1.3 BugFix Edition
Can I clarify, is the beta rom, the i910WM6.1.REV10.CC20.VZW image? Or is it on the Getting Started cd that comes with the package?
Re: Adrynalyne's ROMs v. 1.3 BugFix Edition
Oh...i see...so how do I go about flashing my ROM to a more recent Samsung firmware? is not the process similar? Please advise.
Re: Adrynalyne's ROMs v. 1.3 BugFix Edition
Or any cooked ROM that my phone can support? I would still need to remove that HTC M2D software which was flashed to it some weeks back...
Re: Adrynalyne's ROMs v. 1.3 BugFix Edition
I really don't mean to be persistent and hate to be in your hair, but I read abit about the differences between i900 and i910....some ppl think that they are only different in model numbering.