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  #71 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2009, 04:26 PM
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Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile

I see people saying android this ,iphone that, besides speed what major advantage do they have over windows mobile. Windows mobile has way more applications and modifications for it than they do. The only thing with windows mobile is you have to search to find it. The onlt problem windows mobile has is they made too many phones to many resolutions and its driving developers like me crazy. Windows mobile should settle on 1 phone to represent thier brand then all developers will flood back to it. Thats the only problem i have with it , besides that long live the king.
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2009, 06:04 PM
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Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile

Originally Posted by shaggylive View Post
your right, I'm referring to PocketPc's. I have been aware of this difference developing for some time (PocketPc w/phone vs. phone that does 'everything'.)
as far as usability and speed go, that's completely subjective. consumers wants are different than enterprise needs, and the consumer market only recently started demanding more. before that it was purely a commercial driven device.

this is why the shift from winmo to m$phone. there will still be specialized devices like I linked before, but they will now be under the "embedded" category. (i think)
I understand and respect your point of view. I just feel that speaking on the potential or power of windows is getting old. Its hard to support microsoft when they keep feeding us the half-assed attempts of revamping their mobile os. Now its been said that windows mobile/phone 7 will be pushed back to Q4 of next year. On top of that, a european release is supposed to be first (i think?). Even still, that more than likely means we wont start seeing phones being shipped here with the new os until early 2011. Im aware that there will be some leaks of the os that we all will be running well before that time but come on, we have to wait at least another year for its official release? This is ludacris, please tell me that we arent going to accept this with no complaints what so ever.
If I help don't forget to hit thanks..
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2009, 11:58 PM
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Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile

Look at the windows mobile users in this world. They have many users who will never leave, lots being members here and customers of mine. Hopefully this will help them stay strong. Positive thoughts people

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  #74 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2009, 05:26 AM
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Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile

Originally Posted by smoove21 View Post
I understand and respect your point of view.
and I yours. I admit the iphone was a revolution, which forces evolution. its just that evolution takes a little longer..

And I still say wm's power is fine, it's the developers that got old... lol
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2009, 02:17 AM
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Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile

I dont think the game is over yet. Microsoft needs to dump a boatload of money into the development tools, branding of a whole new Microsoft Mobile OS, and not give up. They continuously release new builds as a "hey look what I can do" sort of thing, but the real market share is gonna be in "eye candy" and usability + speed. They need to appeal to the iphone "less technically savvy" people, just like android is trying and iPhone already has. Microsoft has the power, I just dont know what they're waiting for. They need to make the MS Mobile platform "cool". Even with WM7 coming, I still dont think it's gonna shake too many iphone users away. Part of the problem with games etc, is writing them and debugging them for the WM OS is so damn difficult and buggy, with all kinds of constraints all over the place. The development tools just are not there yet for powerful gaming apps. I'm a developer, I have tried to write for WM. Too much work. Apples C iphone SDK is so easy to use. But yet I cant write jack for Mac's. They need to just start allowing ATOM processors in our phones. Not just ARM instruction sets. That would really cripple apple's iphone. Or allow full x86 Windows OS's to be run on an ARM processor. Smaller versions of course.
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  #76 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2009, 03:04 AM
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Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile

Atom CPU with a full x86 OS? Man that would be so awesome. One can only dream of the day (and we all know it has to be coming at some point)...
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  #77 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2009, 07:06 AM
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Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile

I agree that MS has dropped the ball, but they were originally geared towards business. It was a small group of people with a high dispensable income that could afford theses devices for personal use. Yes BB has eaten a huge marketshare of the business market, but that is because businesses like the 'simpleness' and standardness of BB, a device that is software & hardware by the same manufacturer. Our IT dept won't allow anything other than BB for our exchange server becuase there is less control on their end.
The market really exploded for personal smartphones with the iphone (another software & hardware singularity) and changed the market. I don't really think anyone expected 4 years ago that smartphones would become as common as they are now. A large portion of people I know with iphones got them because it is easier to have your ipod and phone together, I think that the market isn't as big as the numbers show because of this. Why wouldn't they lose market share? New and shiny will always draw people away and between the iphone and Android getting so much 'heat' in the media, you have to expect some people to just jump for something different, I know if I had the money, and the right network, I'd have an Android phone as well.
I think WM also suffers because of the carriers. I live in Canada and I rarely see a commercial for any WM handsets. I see tons of BB/Android/iphone spots and they show all of the things that those phones do I yell at my TV "My phone does that too!" but for some reason, the carriers never seem to want to push those devices.
Sorry if I am all over the place, too many tangents, too little brain.
If I was able to help, remember to press the Thanks button in the bottom of my post.
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  #78 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2009, 10:10 AM
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Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile

well its still not over, Microsoft can do things right now that will save and propel their OS to a new level. Obviously they know how to make money and sell products, but I just hope they realize where the mobile phone industry is going and how fast it changes every day, I hope wm7 is a more liquid OS.
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  #79 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2009, 01:11 PM
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Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile

The only problem is that Microsoft has pushed the release date of Windows Mobile 7 to very late 2010. That's a long time to wait for the next "big" release. In the meantime, they will have trouble holding onto customers.
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  #80 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2009, 01:17 PM
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Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile

Originally Posted by x10guy View Post
The only problem is that Microsoft has pushed the release date of Windows Mobile 7 to very late 2010. That's a long time to wait for the next "big" release. In the meantime, they will have trouble holding onto customers.
I would like to see WM7 too, don't get me wrong.. But I guess I just don't see what is so bad about WM 6.5. It's a huge upgrade over 6.1 as far as the interface goes.

If my Touch Pro 2 had a better camera and a flash, a 1 gig processor, half a gig of RAM, a front facing camera (with accessible API) and an FM transmitter, I would probably not be looking to upgrade for quite a while (well, a couple years anyway, lol).

WM7 will probably be good, but the hardware and advertising is what will make or break it in my opinion.
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